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Everything posted by Faboo

  1. Hey everyone. I was wondering if there was a way to change a forum from not being showed in the "recent topics" sidebar (because I trash all the spam posts into a spam folder). Is this possible?
  2. Welcome back. I love your name now too
  3. Same, seems nothing special to us but some people just love that stuff.
  4. It's just the font that has things on top of it and stuff which messes with my OCD take a look http://prntscr.com/teug6 like where it says "News & Announcements" and "Official" and stuff.
  5. Sounds good enough for me thanks for the quick reply.
  6. Hey everyone. I have a general discussion forum to talk about anything, and I plan to keep it for a few years or longer. Should I switch over to MyBB so it is not nulled, and then switch to onshore hosting (cause I'm using nulled hosting and XenForo). I'm concerned because if I get the site real big and I want to spend all the money on customizations (themes, custom addons, etc.) to the forum and not the software, is it worth the while? And for legal rights too. I mean I really like my XenForo and all (a ton) and don't want to get rid of it, but could I get into big trouble if I get the site real popular (one in my sig)? What do you think?
  7. IPB and XenForo, but I'm using Xenforo right now. But I also like MyBB, not as much tho.
  8. How is Trentahost when it comes to this stuff?
  9. That's the best thing I've seen for a while, lmfaoo!!
  10. Hey everyone. The theme (Quark) I'm using, the text is glitching up a lot. Is there any way to either fix this or get a different font instead of the default one for that theme? Thanks.
  11. My hockey team did a Harlem Shake video, it's awesome Anyways, this is cool.
  12. Thanks. Hope to see you around.
  13. Hey all! It's Faboo here, and I am running a general talking and having fun community, and have a gaming community reserved w/ domain and hosting. I hope to meet you all, see ya around!
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