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Everything posted by Faboo

  1. Finally works. It's been a week. D: Loool, it shows it as a broken image. I'll re-do it then get back to you guys.
  2. Hey. I uploaded a favicon to my site after I installed my forum software (IPB 3.4.2) and it's not tending to show up for me or anyone! But, when I upload the same version and everything but upload the favicon first, it shows up. Is there any way to make the favicon show up now?
  3. I wanted to release a few things too, I don't know why we can't
  4. The most important thing to have on the website (because you said "no members or anything") is quality and content. You need to have content on the forums already that is different from everyone else's, to make your site interesting. Also, no one wants to join an empty site.
  5. Oh well happy early birthday :D :D
  6. Lol, that was good. Anyways, is it really your bday?
  7. It's most likely your hosting that you can't connect to, not because of the domain.
  8. Welcome to WebFlake! Enjoy your stay.
  9. Yep. Quality posts for forums is good content, good content brings members, good content needs a sexy theme to go with it
  10. Wish by Tyga http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GUWErl-XHrg
  11. Hey. I have the Stop Forum Spam addon on my site and I'm using the theme Curve Light on 3.4.2, and it's doing this to the forum statistics: http://prntscr.com/u1o5r Is there any way this could be fixed with some template edits or anything?
  12. Faboo

    Hello this is weird

    I personally like WebFlake better myself It's amazing. Sick theme, and other stuff. I feel like it's more HQ.
  13. That's what I was concerned about, but if it does you should have enough money from donations to buy a real copy. That's what I would plan to do, or switch to MyBB or something like that.
  14. Yes. That's what I do and I live in the US.
  15. Use an offshore host, don't even put it up on onshore things. Not even worth the time.
  16. I had a feeling this one would Skyrocket up with members and posts. Theme is amazing and a lot of good people here. Soon it'll be 10,000 members not 1,000! Nope, not yet.
  17. Faboo


    Welcome! If you have any questions feel free to PM me.
  18. Faboo

    Taste The Rainbow

    Lolol! Imagine if that was actually one of their commercials?
  19. Hey everyone! I've been using this #nav_app_forums a:before{content:"";display:inline-block;margin:-6px 8px -5px 0;background:url(http://infinityboard.us/public/style_images/animate/Forum.png) no-repeat top left;width:16px;height:16px;}Under #more_apps_menucontent li:hover a, .submenu_container li:hover a { background: #202020; color: #fff; } in ipb_styles.css, and it works (and worked) for the shoutbox, portal, forums, and members. But, it won't work for the store and awards! You change where it says "nav_app_forums" is to "nav_app_(name)" and it worked for everything else except these two apps. Anyone know what the problem could be?
  20. Just like Phun said, use Google AdSense
  21. It's asking me for an email or password, what do i do?
  22. Wouldn't risk it. Just get a really good offshore host.
  23. I see you got your username back Nice job
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