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Corona last won the day on September 30 2019

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  1. Corona

    IPS 4.4 Stripe's Webhook error

    So, I tried and upgraded to the latest version (4.6.9) and everything works fine with Stripe but, I don't want to use the 4.6.x or 4.5.x versions because of the limited apps/plugins that is available. The issue comes from the 4.4.10 version and I don't know if this is happens only to this nulled release. Does anyone from the staff know?
  2. Corona

    IPS 4.6 Email Settings

    As the setting says, Outgoing / Incoming is the email that Send / Receive and you can add the emails that you want to Send / Receive emails. Make sure in Advanced Settings at the bottom of this page to set the Mail delivery method from PHP mail() Function (PHP) or if you want from your cPanel's email settings fill the SMTP values.
  3. It is under Achievements in Members section of your ACP.
  4. Corona

    IPS 4.4 Stripe's Webhook error

    Hello, I exhausted all cases that would be a wrong in order to activate Stripe payments in my forum but I get every time the same error when the process tries to communicate with Stripe. Everything it's ok from Stripe side (API, Webhook with all the events selected, Status 200 OK on API & Webhook). Which case would be wrong and I get the following error every time? I'm running the nulled 4.4.10 version downloaded from here with PHP 7.4 DomainException: There is not a webhook set up or it does not have all event types enabled. Thanks in advance.
  5. Corona

    IPS 4.6 A store for IPB?

    Just activate Commerce app, it should be there.
  6. Easy way! Compress files: tar -zcvf files.tar.gz /your/forum/path/ Export Database: mysqldump -u username -p database name > database name.sql
  7. That is easy, the mystery is how to download plugins as .xml ready for install....
  8. Feature summary Articles, Classifieds, Reviews Market, Events, Forums Blogs, Photo Gallery, Videos Donations, Mailinglist Product details It's so difficult, almost impossible, to describe a so powerful and full of features program. Don't be confused with the "Foro" word. Is not a Foro, or better, is not just a Forum. Is a complete community portal, ideal for city portals, which, with some On/Off settings can fit to any community type. The heart of XLForo are Sections, Usergroups and Extra Fields. Starting with the predefined sections: Articles Classifieds Reviews Market Directory Events Forums Blogs Photo Gallery Videos you can set which usergroup has permissions to Add/Edit/Delete content per section. You can set some extra fields and assign them to any (or all) of the above sections, or create a totally new section. Do you need more flexibility? Check these powerful settings per section: Post Prefixes. An example for Classifieds are (For Sale, Wanted, For Rent etc) Allow Multiple Comments per Member (eg for Forums is Yes, but for Reviews is No) Allow Attachments Allow External Links Allow External Videos Allow Google Maps If Poster needs to Approve some special Terms before post Do you want to allow members to Comment, Rate, or Rate & Review posts. No problem. It's easy like 1-2-3. You can select per section the best commenting system that you like. These are: Forum comments but using a closer to Facebook style. Rating Rate and Review Facebook comments (External) Disqus (External) Except the flexibility that sections offer to Webmasters, there are also 3 full modules including in the package. PayPal Donation with IPN support Mailinglist Legal Agreements * Removed by Staff - Dead Link
  9. Corona


    Version 4.5


    Titanium is a lightweight dark theme that will instantly enhance your site.
  10. I've also tried the new uploaded version (4.5.3) with the same results, seems like the Forums app have an issue.
  11. I think this guide can help you: https://invisioncommunity.com/4guides/monetization/internal-advertising-r57/#manualplace
  12. .htaccess file supported by Apache, for nginx you must add rewrite rules into your domain's vhost file. For example: location /api/ { try_files $uri $uri/ /api/index.php?$args; }
  13. So, it's theme's issue, try to find/download the latest version of theme for your supported IPS version (if you don't have it) or replace it to another similar to your needs (if this issue it's important).
  14. Compare with the default theme and see if this issue persist, if so, then might be a theme issue, or as @S!r.ReaDy mentioned, cache / browser issue.
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