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  1. Still one of the best websites , glad that i got the chance to know it , thanks for your efforts ?
  2. right now listening to Level up By Ciara Tru by Lloyd Play Me Like A Violin by Stephen good songs ?
  3. Hello , This is an easy tutorial on How to do something like this to all users and all user posts without plugin users can share youtube videos that will appear on their posts to do that from in acp ---> Member Settings ---> profiles should work on IPB3 too create new Category (that what i did) so that it's looks better you can add it on any Category instead, np you will see these fields once you create new profile field : Field Name : Youtube Video ID Description: No Description Field Type : Text Required?: naaa... Display format : <iframe width="170" height="100" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/{content}" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> That's it , it's easy To know Youtube video ID : it’s will be on the video link after “=” and before “&” ex: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vh_Ayo2DOuM&ab_channel=CaesarCp you can change the Width and height of the player from the code , i have chosen 170x100 cause that's fit on our useinfopane hope you like it....
  4. Hello , is it possible to hide Subforums from the index page only without plugin in IPB4 ?? i have seen a plugin that does that and requested for hoping someone upload it but wondering if there's any way to do it without plugin... ................................................ Found it , Enter ACP > Themes > Your Theme > CSS > Core > Custom.css and add this code .ipsApp_front .cForumRow .ipsDataItem_subList { display:none; }
  5. okay i already got it , can you give more details about how it's done please still the same i created rule + action + condition nothing happened when i posted
  6. Thanks a lot , kinda hate IPB4 xD new at it , always was using IPB3
  7. Hello , does anyone know How to make Points Economy in IPB4 give points to the users for posting topics and comments ? am trying to find out how and searched everywhere , still don't know how
  8. Hello , i have Just Upgraded my Board From IPB3 to 4 = new at it How Can i Show users list on the bottom of the index page? right now online members appears in a page of it's own only! not in the bottom of the page
  9. Version 1.4.1


    This application is designed for those who want to run tournamentson their site. It is not for the actual gaming itself to take palcethrough the app in any way, but rather for your members to create andjoin teams or request a battle with other user , sign up for tournaments, submit scores of the matches whichtake place somewhere else, and then the system keeps track of it all anddeclares the winning team once the tournament is completed.
  10. Hello , is there a way to specific group/s to create limited (Topics) per day ?
  11. No i haven't , its seems like my database user has been deleted for some reason ! , i have just made the same user in the database and its got fixed
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