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Dusan last won the day on November 15 2024

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  1. I would need to see the forum, but from what I can see it's some issue with your CSS.
  2. Is your question how to put a rank image for a certain group?
  3. Well try removing the files you added manually and see if that fixes the issue.
  4. Is this a fresh install? If not, when did this start happening? Did you install some applications/plugins?
  5. Dusan

    Question I Can't review

    I see that you reacted to some of my resources, so I believe you have an issue with some of them, if you could link them or send me a PM with the issue/link to a resource I can take a look and hopefully fix it for you.
  6. Version 1.0.13


    Display the user's joined date in the format of year, month, and day.
  7. Version 2.4.1

    1 download

    Converts link forums into proxies for actual forums, allowing post information, post counts, etc from the destination forum to be visible when viewing the link forum. Note; only works as expected for destinations that are a Forum (not a page or anything else). Does not have much in the way of input validation. To a front-end user, a link forum can be made nearly indistinguishable from a normal forum. Performance Impact This causes 1 extra query if there are link-forums on the forum-list page.
  8. Version 2.10.11


    A collection of improvements to the XenForo Alerts system. Do not use MySQL statement-based replication with this add-on Features Per-alert 'mark read' links on each alert Multi-select ability to mark alerts as read or unread. Avoid unexpected marking alerts as read by browser prefetch, this may result in alerts not being marked as read as expected. Global option, enable/disable alert summarization User Option to prevent marking as read when accessing the alerts pop-up User Option to prevent summarization when accessing /accounts/alerts page. User Option to adjust summarization threshold Only mark alerts that are viewed on the alert page/alert pop-up, not all alerts If an alert was explicitly marked as unread, skip marking that alert as read when the alert pop-up is touched. Per-alert 'alert bell reads' configuration Supported content types for alert summarization Posts, conversation, profile post, profile post comments, xfmg comment reactions User follows Post quotes Performance impact Alert pop-up can fetch a number of unread reactions to attempt to summarize them
  9. Version 2.9.1


    Supports extending thread reply bans into full thread-bans, but optionally disabling the following functionality in a thread someone is reply banned from; Edit posts Delete posts React to posts Threadmarks Various User Essentials' "X in own thread" permissions Reply Bans Warnings Thread changes: Editing Deleting Lock/unlock Stick/unstick Create polls Move/merge actions Post friction settings (SV/PostFriction add-on) Thread Collaboration settings (SV/CollaborativeThreads add-on) Will display if a user is XF banned or reply-banned via a banner on the user's post. This can be controlled via the option "Display thread reply banned banner on user's posts". Note; this feature required an additional (cheap) select query. Options
  10. Dusan

    Profile photo

    Version 1.0


    Description: Allows members to add a profile photo to their profile page. (Example of Profile page showing the location of Edit profile photo button) (Example of Edit profile photo overlay) (Example of Profile photo admin link) (Example of Profile photo admin page) (Example of Options page) (Example of User group permissions) Features: Allows adding a profile photo to your profile page. Images are automatically optimized. Clicking on the profile photo opens up a full-size image in a lightbox. All phrases start with profilephoto_ for your convenience. User group permissions: The following user group permissions are automatically set during installation. Administrative: Admin = Yes Registered: View = Yes Unregistered / Unconfirmed: View = Yes Database changes: Adds a column called andy_profile_photo_date to your xf_user_profile table. File directory changes: Adds a directory called profile_photos in the data directory. If you uninstall the Profile photo add-on, the profile_photos directory is automatically deleted.
  11. Version 1.0


    Description: Copies all media gallery content to threads. This add-on is useful if you no longer want to use the XenForo Media galley and want to preserve Media gallery content in threads. (Example of Options page) How to use: Create a forum where all Media gallery attachments will be copied. For example, a forum called Gallery. Go to the options page and select the Destination forum. Run the add-on from CLI. Make sure you first go to the directory where XenForo is installed. [CODE]php cmd.php xf-rebuild:mediatothreadsall[/CODE] Questions and answers: Q: Will a new thread for each member who has content in the Media gallery be created? A: Yes. Q: Will each Media gallery attachment be copied to a separate post? A: Yes. Q: After the add-on runs and copies all the content to the Gallery forum, can I uninstall the Media Gallery? A: Yes.
  12. Dusan

    Can Warn Staff

    Version 2.3.1


    Allow moderators and administrators to be warned. AdminCP access can obviously bypass any warning issued, and warnings themselves can be edited or deleted depending on permissions for the user. Introduces 7 new permissions: Give moderators warnings directly. Give administrators warnings directly. Delete all warnings for Moderators. Delete all warnings for Administrators. Prevent posts from being warned. Prevent being directly warned. Prevent profile posts from being warned. Performance Requires between 0 or 1 extra query depending on if the active members on the content to be warned share a permission combination group with the visitor.
  13. Version 2.4.0


    Adds permissions to include full message text in emails, per user group. Works with: New thread Reply to thread New Conversation Join conversation Reply Conversation Always email-watched thread notifications, instead of the last visit. Per-forum permissions. Per-user opt-in. User registration default. New Options under 'Full Message Text Permission': Full Message on Warning Conversation Emails Always send the full text of a conversation created when a member is warned. Max partial message text length If the user does not have permission to include the full message text; this number of characters of the message can be sent instead. Max all message text length If the user does have permission to include the full message text; this number of characters of the message can be sent instead. Allow always emailing watched threads Default off, as there is a minor performance hit due to extra decoding that happens regardless of whether the forum supports always sending watched thread notifications. Three permissions: Full message text notification emails (conversation) Full message text notification emails (posts/threads) Always email watched thread notifications (posts/threads) These will override the "Include full message text in watched thread/forum notification emails." or "Include full message text personal conversation notification emails." options. Option to always send emails triggered by warning conversations in full. Consider my other addon; Warning Improvements by Xon to always send emails when a warning conversation is created.
  14. Version 1.0.5


    This add-on allows the XenForo user to upgrade the system to a new page with an elegant table structure, providing a perfect subscription service. When you create a user upgrade pack, you can easily customize features and entitlements offered in your new subscription. If you're making a rockin' marketing site for a subscription-based product, you're likely in need of a pricing table. To make everything simpler, all options are integrated into the user upgrade page. In this way, you can create great tables very simply. You don't need to make settings on different option pages to feature a product. With 5 different design structures, you can easily choose the color options you want. All these features come in a fully manageable structure. With the user group permission, you can give permission to the desired user groups. You can use it with all payment gateways integrated into XenForo. General Options Style Properties User Upgrade Options User group permission With banner images, Also, this add-on allows you to show your payment information by adding a bank account. Features User group permission Paid membership banner upload option Usable by user groups (Select which user groups can use or buy these membership packages.) Option to remove breadcrumb and page title within the page Option to remove block header Items per row option (Default - Wide - Medium - Narrow) 5 different table style options 6 different colour-changing options Ability to adjust the width of the tables Option to set spacing values between tables Message area above all tables Message fields under all tables The entire structure has the ability to be customized from the style features. Mobile responsive
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