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  1. I have already used all versions and they all appear with the same problem, the current version I am using and 3.0.2, and I have already updated my IPS continues the problem
  2. This is also correct, all groups with access
  3. the permissions are seated correctly, all groups are allowed to speak and view messages
  4. I forgot to update my profile, I am currently using IPS 4.2
  5. I found the .rar file corrupted and it was the only link I found.
  6. http://gyazo.com/ada7c7175426f3ec69fab929bdf7c44a Hey everyone I've been trying to find this hook or something that replicates like this site has? I tried (DP32) Secondary Group Icons 2.0.0, and it didn't do it for me, I may have not set everything up right or something, cause it didn't even show secondaries.
  7. Hello, my chat box does not work correctly, I already installed several versions of the chatbox for IPS 4.2 but everyone stays the same, he only keeps loading and never stops and has no way to send a message Screenshot of error: https://imgur.com/a/WuEVUu7
  8. Hello, my chat box does not work correctly, I already installed several versions of the chatbox for IPS 4.2 but everyone stays the same, he only keeps loading and never stops and has no way to send a message Screenshot of error: https://imgur.com/a/WuEVUu7
  9. on this skin I'm using, I did not find custom.css inside the Editing Set, I tried to look in ipb_styles.css but no results. Sorry, I translated by google translator, but I copied the wrong text, you are very legual and have a support with great patience. I tried several times to remove it through CSS, but I could not get the location of the code to edit, I will be very grateful if I can get the location of the code for me to edit. My Forum Address: http://equipegtario.unaux.com/forum/ Attention: the line that is around the photo is only visible to members, feel free to register
  10. Hi everyone, I put to the photo is half round and I would like to remove this line that is around the photo, I use the skin: Dispencion 3.4x
  11. Hello everyone, I'm trying to find out the name of this skin, the forum link is no longer active. Thanks in advance for all who help <3
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