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  1. Hello, Thanks you @Davlin It's very good Regards
  2. Hello, I use IPS 4.3, with a Theme " Dimension ". > Forum / SubForum We have several categories (a good fifty), which includes Forums (3 to 15 / categories), which themselves have sub-forums. That's where it gets ugly (visually), IPS Community, displays categories, forums, and sub-forums. In our case, displaying the sub-forums amounts to displaying huge boxes and really, it becomes ugly. Is it possible to hide all sub-forums? Example: I have a category > show Forum > and more..... subforum. I want hide all Subforum. Thanks you for help Regards Xtoons64
  3. Hello, For information I have: 50,000 members 80,000 Topics 850,000 messages All with profiles, avatars, in short the total. It is out of the question to switch to another system and what's more if I can not get at least 95% of my old forum I asked a professional to make a migration test, fortunately he had a license, and made me a recovery, and there .. it's the drama! > Members Nothing to report, except the avatars, which have been recovered, but which does not appear. > Topics Topics are accessible if we go to their positions. But if we click on "the last subject" of a section we have an error "2S136 / V" I saw where it came from, the link is: domain.tld/topic/0-NAME_OF_TOPICS It is at the level of "zero" it stuck because all others are also zero. And those that work, on the other hand have a unique ID. > Messages During the recovery, some topic was correctly recovered, but in most cases, the "spaces" and "return to the line" were not recovered. It is found with messages like tutorials, or presentations, in large illegible block. Do you have a solution for this problem? Thank you for your reply and solution. Regards.
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