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Hektor xd

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  1. Hello guys i'm back again after month(s) of innactivity because of programming job and sometimes i am too busy for free time.
  2. The most cause this problem is due to the hosting configuration. I don't have any problems with this version of ipb like this. Try reinstalling and see.
  3. I don't see the navigation for files in your html... Soluttion: Try reinstalling, and see if it's working. (but don't reconfigure it yourself, and see if it's work), if it's work, then it's your mistake. And - Before you delete some files, please make backup first. Remember: Reconfiguring the downloads, to work like ipb 4x, as i detected require to have php skills. Cause of this problem is your mistake in reconfiguring the ip.downloads settings.
  4. I edited my post. You have changed something else. Like your template, in admincp links in the navbar, and that happened when you click on the files you will be redirected to the /files/ folder. Did you change the default ipb template, if not try with that skin.
  5. <html> <head><title>IP.Board - Bulletin Board System</title></head> <body> <h1>403: IP.Board -> Forbidden</h1> <hr> You have reached this page in error, please use your back button to return to the forum. <hr> </body> </html> This save as index.html and upload it to the download path where is your. You have changed something else. The link in the navbar redirect you to the download path...
  6. Oh, u inderstand what you're trying now to do with the IP.Downloads. You want to copy in url files like ipb 4.x. But what option you edited. Each options gives you information in admincp for what is it and what you need to do, to work correctly.
  7. Where you did download the package, and what files are you deleted?
  8. The most cause this problem is incorrectly configured. the files you delete, must be in the folder where you reconfigured. You delete all the files in folder, and reconfigured to the empty folder lol... In the empty folder, you need to add required files to work... That files you delete, upload it again to that folder (newest) and see results.
  9. Check the eror logs, and see. And make sure you have full admin permissions to perform this action. And what version of ipb you are using it? if it's not secret.
  10. Try to rebuild the skins, and if u have recently installed new app/hook try to disable it and see the results. This might be happened because of incompatible app/hook or skin for your version of IPB. As you said that this happened also in your default theme, then might be cause of incompatible app/hook. If you don't have any app/hook installed recently, check error logs, and also use support as said @Phun. Best regards
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