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  1. I need a hosting that i can use a nulled ipb on
  2. My parents won't let me spend money online. Idk how to add localhost to windows xp. Plus i want the forum public. Still need an answer for number 1 You could use Hostinger.co.uk. It's quite slow but it could work if you routed it through CloudFlare. I'm really wondering how old you are...your parents??? I am 15 years old.
  3. My parents won't let me spend money online. Idk how to add localhost to windows xp. Plus i want the forum public. Still need an answer for number 1
  4. I am using x10hosting.com and it's on shore and doesn't allowed null stuff. So i got 2 questions 1- How long will it be before they find out 2- I might want to move hostings to work on my null ipb forum. It must be free and must allow null scripts and off shore.
  5. Check out how webflake did it using inspect element. I'm abroad and have limited access to the internet so I can't really help you atm. Ok then, thanks for the help @Dutch let's hope it works! UPDATE: Still haven't got it to work, where should I put th CSS, in the custom.css? I'm a pro with html/css. Can u share the scripts?? Maybe i can help
  6. U from rile5??

    1. Debug


      This is funny af, Thomas can't even find peace on WebFlake.

    2. Thomas
  7. Ok so follow these steps but before we begin please have a copy of the urls of the pages you want to removed. (http://yourfourm.me/forum/index.php?/files/) Ok first go to "Manage Applications and Modules "Edit the app you want to remove Go to tab restrictions Where it says "Hide for all current and future groups?" make sure you checked yes. Save and do it for the rest Next go to "Forums" and click "add new forum" Click "redirect forum" and paste the url of the ticket system and all the other apps. Fill in the rest of the info and permission and save Now when ur on ur board you will see the forum. When you click the forum it goes to the page.
  8. Do i have to have blazingfast.io ddos protection to use this???
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