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  1. Tcadmin great control panel. Im using it and great. Pterodactyl its free alternative hoover i does like it.
  2. Or you can use built nexus. https://invisioncommunity.com/4docs/advanced-usage/development/commerce-custom-actions-r132/
  3. Ipboard 4 only support fontawesome 4.
  4. Dont do that. If some IPB staff check u site actually u license gonna gonee IPB actually check if you have paid apps.
  5. Mybb because thats look like vbulletin
  6. Not that the reason why i want. I want test something with my gameserver plugin(some login/register system). Actually this is old game and does support much so i cant play with plugin thats why i choose the easy methmod.
  7. It is possible i do it one time with older IPB(4.3) but on the latest i didnt found where is checking the password after user try login.
  8. I am currently working something and i just want to ask how i can remove the password hashing? I want to use plain text password does need hashing
  9. I have booth ios/andorid but ios looks like cleaner to use
  10. Ipboard or Xenforo better than Wordpress if you have some experiment. Wordpress just looking old..
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