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  1. I must say, breaking bad was a banger! But i also liked: -Stranger things -The end of the <removed> world -Shooter -Hannibal -Mr Robot
  2. Hey, welcome to Webflake! Hope you will enjoy ur stay in this powerfull community!
  3. How is this made? https://oblivionps.com/forums/applications/cms/interface/external/external.php?widgetid=5d2518c67d589be7ac904af2ab7a2135&amp;blockid=recent I need to show recent topics on my main website via an external interface
  4. I want to edit my IPB theme, even if i just remove one letter of an class it says: https://gyazo.com/5ef1a340443d6eb09c4c15110bf950e1.png Could anyone help me what to do? Getting a bit clueless.
  5. I suggest downloading "Xampp" and use the PhpMyAdmin feature of it, if you want it localhost. Otherwise I suggest buying a webhost that contains database management.
  6. I'd say dark skin, dark skin is very soft for the eyes, and so easy to watch.
  7. Hey after been inactive for a long time, im finally back to see what's going on around
  8. Welcome back, fellow member!:)
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