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Institution last won the day on July 20 2015

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About Institution

  • Birthday 09/18/1992

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  1. Yeah but it would likely be reset every time you upgraded, unless you write your own hook.
  2. Looks pretty scuffed, but could still be fun. Whilst online does add replayability, from what I've seen FO76 is fairly limited in terms of it.
  3. Person of Interest Westworld House of Cards (s1-3) Gotham Colony
  4. Version 1.1.3


  5. The red version is the original: https://community.invisionpower.com/files/file/7522-red/
  6. It's in the Moderator Control Panel, like in 3.4.x, look down the sidebar and you will see announcements, you can add them from there.
  7. Nothing really utilises DX12 yet though, because its still Day3 of Win10. Anything that was developed for it, was done so when it wasn't even at release.
  8. If you've paid for an IPS license, you might as well pay for licenses for everything else. Not worth the risk.
  9. Hmm.. I will avoid jumping into the OSX vs Win debate, for my own sanity. Win10 is pretty awesome - I was always a big fan of the start screen covering the whole screen, so I am glad they kept the option to have that in. My biggest issue with it however, is the way they have yet again redone where all the settings are - I wish everything was back in the control panel or the new redesigned box, instead of things appearing twice in some cases, or in one or the other. It becomes a little frustrating at times. The general aesthetics of it as a whole, are a lot more pleasant too, which is a plus.
  10. The average user? If you know anything about the web you know how to clear your cookies. That's the problem - most don't know anything about it.
  11. Nice theme. Looks good, though the icons seem a little too compact, perhaps increase the padding by a couple of pixels so it's easier to read. Also the information text is a little dark on the background - perhaps increase it to #444? Good job though.
  12. IPS4 instead of using user groups for banned members, completely locks them out of the community. It's useful as it menas that banned members cannot create a new account without clearing their cookies - which the average user is not really able to do.
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