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Everything posted by spydou

  1. Version 20180319


    This is the French (fr-FR) translation file for IPS Community Suite 4 and contains translations for: System Forums Calendar Pages Gallery Commerce Downloads Blog Converter Front-end and back-end are fully translated. This translation made by Invision Board France, the french support community for IPS software.
  2. Hello, I would like to change a read/unread icons for each category. you have a plugin that does this?
  3. Version 1.2.15


    This last version IPS Converter 3.4 Changelog Version 3.4 (Build 1.2.15) Fixed Converting follows/likes bugVarious minor Bug fixes
  4. Hello, i 've problem for convert my database to utf8... I copy the folder "utf8convert" to "public_html" (default install my ipb) and launch "mydomain.com/utf8convert/ i have message: This is designed to be run via your web browser. Please use cli.php to run this conversion utility via command line. I do not have ssh access to my webhosting so eventually well how to convert my database to utf8 for update IPS 4.0 after? Thanks Edit: it's ok ( problem dbase ipb 3.4 not utf8mb4_general_ci !>> i have re-install ipb3.4+upgrade ips 4 good :)
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