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  1. Depends on taste both MyBB and IPB are great.
  2. From a small country named Estonia
  3. For me i own a Samsung Galaxy s9+ and so far im satisfied with it. On the other hand my wife owns a Iphone XS MAX, only thing about the iphones is is their camera. So android over ios.
  4. UncleBear

    Mac or Windows

    Windows is preferred by me. More options other than Mac.
  5. {{if !member.member_id}} // only shows to Guest members <div class="guestHeader">Welcome</div> <ul> <li>{lang="total_topics"} {number="$stats['total_topics']"} </li> </ul> {{endif}} Below code does not do its job properly. And this is located in Globaltemplate {number="$stats['total_topics']"}
  6. So i got a question. I am trying to code a Welcome tab for quests instead for them to scroll down and check out general stats id like to display it inside of the welcome tab. So basically i took the code from gstats template {lang="total_topics"} This displays the language all fine but when i want it to display the stat number using {number="$stats['total_topics']"} it comes up with just a plain 0 but instead it should be like 20 or something. Any ideas what i'm missing?
  7. Can i still ask for some help? The reputation appears for me like this only a +
  8. Thank you, but how do you make it so, that a specific group has a background image/color, and another specific group has the same etc etc?
  9. Could you specify out what code did you change, instead of giving the full code to copy and paste?
  10. Welcome to the community :)
  11. Hey and welcome to the flake :D
  12. made me lol indeed, now i know why nobody isnt joining my website...stupid unicorns....
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