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Everything posted by GROTiUS

  1. phpbb is the most secure forum software. but ipb 3.4.6 with all 3 security patches should be enough
  2. CONs: Really ugly css / design
  3. The CSS Developer done bad work. :ugly:
  4. Thanks for the Preview. I must say I like the Design of IPB 3.X more than this "new" flatten windows 8 look ...
  5. Because this board isnt for the public ... Here some more screens:
  6. Hey guys, If I press thanks I can see the hidden content, but if I reload the page its gone and I have to reply. How can I solve this? Its possible to solve?
  7. [content moderated - Making non-constructive posts, or flaming] ~ WebFlake Staff
  8. Hey, works fine! Can I do that a little more elegant ? (Different count of Reputation required for 2 different forums) <if test="enoughPoints :|:!in_array($forum_data['id'],array(1)) || $this->memberData['pp_reputation_points'] > 5"> // FORUM ID 1 / REP 5 <if test="enoughPoints :|:!in_array($forum_data['id'],array(2)) || $this->memberData['pp_reputation_points'] > 10"> // FORUM ID 2 / REP 10 --- TEMPLATE --- <else> You need more Reputation ! </if>
  9. Thanks, works great! but how can I use this in : forumindextemplate (because there this code dont work!)
  10. Thanks but I want to show this on the sidebar (boardindextemplate). And there the $author var dont work.
  11. Its possible to deny access to a forum and unlock these if the users reputation at (for example) 50 ?
  12. Hey, Does anyone know, how I can show the reputation count, without installing a hook ? kind regards
  13. Its possible to ask: If a user uploaded a custom avatar or not ? So if a user dont have a avatar uploaded, a message will displayed "Please costumize your profile, by uploading a avatar"
  14. Hi, i cant find this Template (IP.Downloads automatically creates a topic if you create a file. ) This topic have a default look of: I wanna edit it, but cant find the template for.
  15. Hey guys, I cant find any option in IP.Nexus to sell more than one different digital product of same kind (for example gamekeys ). Is there any option or way how to solve this? kind regards
  16. the problem was curl. I installed it and now all works fine ^^
  17. dear webflake users, I installed a version of IP.Nexus 1.5.9 Retail, and all works fine, exept of the payment gateways ... When I click on a item and confirm the payment i get a blank page. It seems that a part of javascript dont work, I dont know how to solve this ... There no error pages/sql errors, just a blank page Please help
  18. Version 1.0


    Force posting [b]Introduction [/b]Thread in your Forums by using this hook . [img]http://community.invisionpower.com/filestore/public/style_emoticons/default/smile.png[/img] For installation instruction "please read [b]readme.txt [/b]file"
  19. the button is a div class also. for the spoiler textarea use: background:#262626; border:1px dotted #3b3b3b; margin-top:2px;
  20. Just visit the footer. On the right side -> Team Members
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