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GROTiUS last won the day on November 8 2015

GROTiUS had the most liked content!

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  1. phpbb is the most secure forum software. but ipb 3.4.6 with all 3 security patches should be enough
  2. CONs: Really ugly css / design
  3. The CSS Developer done bad work. :ugly:
  4. Thanks for the Preview. I must say I like the Design of IPB 3.X more than this "new" flatten windows 8 look ...
  5. Because this board isnt for the public ... Here some more screens:
  6. Hey guys, If I press thanks I can see the hidden content, but if I reload the page its gone and I have to reply. How can I solve this? Its possible to solve?
  7. [content moderated - Making non-constructive posts, or flaming] ~ WebFlake Staff
  8. Hey, works fine! Can I do that a little more elegant ? (Different count of Reputation required for 2 different forums) <if test="enoughPoints :|:!in_array($forum_data['id'],array(1)) || $this->memberData['pp_reputation_points'] > 5"> // FORUM ID 1 / REP 5 <if test="enoughPoints :|:!in_array($forum_data['id'],array(2)) || $this->memberData['pp_reputation_points'] > 10"> // FORUM ID 2 / REP 10 --- TEMPLATE --- <else> You need more Reputation ! </if>
  9. Thanks, works great! but how can I use this in : forumindextemplate (because there this code dont work!)
  10. Thanks but I want to show this on the sidebar (boardindextemplate). And there the $author var dont work.
  11. Its possible to deny access to a forum and unlock these if the users reputation at (for example) 50 ?
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