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  1. I've gotten an almost ?done? rip of NBB and it's not anywhere but my home forum. I feel like I remember you guys not liking NBB :P but it's for mybb which you don't have resources of.. so where/can I post it?
  2. Yes. Aoki finally pushed someone too far :/ if you think you could replicate their post bit I may let you join the team :P I've been feeling pretty bad and don't want to put in time that I could be getting well again :P that being said I will still probably do it if no one can help
  3. Thank you. We're going for the first working rip of nulled :)
  4. So I'm currently ripping NBB (NulledBB) theme :0 Here's what I have, ignore the stats it was just testing something I'll fix it tonight. https://vot.pw/nbb/ If you're interested in helping me finish this project I need someone who has done something like this before. Post bellow or contact me via PM :)
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