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Everything posted by kinggoon

  1. Social media like twitter and facebook killed / is killing most community forums.
  2. You the best man!!!! Everything is up and running again
  3. I use mover.io with webmin automated backup schedule
  4. Hi guys Im having a problem with a back. My server is down for 2 days and now i want to move my site to another provider. My problem is that i only have the database backup NOT the files. The files backup is corrupt so i cannot extract it. Is there anyway to get the forum back up and running with the database only? I tried installing a new IPB and switch the database with my old one but i get driver error problem. Is this possible? and if so is there something i need to do for this to work?
  5. same problem here .....
  6. yes look inside the Look & Feel > Manage skin sets & templates >Your Skin > Manage templates & CSS > CSS > ipb_styles.css and find #community_app_menu in this block add or modify font:******* (** is the font name)
  7. ssd hosting Im on a ssd vps now and the speed is just f'ing awesome!
  8. you need to add font-style:normal where you need to add it i dont know lol try use inspect element to trace it
  9. I rather use firewall or the buildin ip ban. I think if you make a very long list of IP to block it will bring extra load on the server
  10. kinggoon

    Question No More MyBB?

    just noticed also
  11. i would recomend domaindiscount24 for domains i moved some domains to them after getting abuse complaint for dmca. domaindiscount24 never forward a complaint or ask for stupid stuff lol
  12. Not the download link it self but the link posted on the support topic sample http://webflate.net/topic/8053-hook-relationship-status/ try to click the download and see
  13. Hello I dont know if you noticed but the download links in support topics still point to the old domain webflake.net
  14. do a bootscan to remove all that crap .GL
  15. Yes Its from [HTTP_INCAP_CLIENT_IP] => *.95.91.7I freaking got it !!!! $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] = $_SERVER["HTTP_INCAP_CLIENT_IP"] ? $_SERVER["HTTP_INCAP_CLIENT_IP"] : $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]; Thnx Paradiizee ! Thats just what i needed
  16. No lol not like that. I mean for my website visitors Just like with cloudflare but now with Incapsula. I tried the X_FORWARDED_FOR settings but it didnt work
  17. HelloCan someone please help me with getting the real IP's from Incapsula reverse proxy ?The php code they provide on the support forum is posted below. <?php/** * This file should be included at the beginning of your PHP code * * It changes the value of $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], to the value provided in the Incap-Client-IP header. * If such a value is not provided, or is not valid - no change is made. *///name of HTTP header with the initial client IP addressdefine('HEADER_NAME','HTTP_INCAP_CLIENT_IP');try { //stop process if there is no header if (empty($_SERVER[HEADER_NAME])) throw new Exception('No header defined', 1); //validate header value if (function_exists('filter_var')) { $ip = filter_var($_SERVER[HEADER_NAME], FILTER_VALIDATE_IP); if (false === $ip) throw new Exception('The value is not a valid IP address', 2); } else { $ip = trim($_SERVER[HEADER_NAME]); if (false === preg_match('/^[0-9]{1,3}.[0-9]{1,3}.[0-9]{1,3}.[0-9]{1,3}$/', $ip)) throw new Exception('The value is not a valid IP address', 2); } //At this point the initial IP value is exist and validated $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] = $ip;} catch (Exception $e) {}?>Does anyone know how to use this with IPB ?Thnx
  18. going to try it out in a sec hope everything works . thnx
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