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  1. Social media like twitter and facebook killed / is killing most community forums.
  2. You the best man!!!! Everything is up and running again
  3. I use mover.io with webmin automated backup schedule
  4. Hi guys Im having a problem with a back. My server is down for 2 days and now i want to move my site to another provider. My problem is that i only have the database backup NOT the files. The files backup is corrupt so i cannot extract it. Is there anyway to get the forum back up and running with the database only? I tried installing a new IPB and switch the database with my old one but i get driver error problem. Is this possible? and if so is there something i need to do for this to work?
  5. same problem here .....
  6. yes look inside the Look & Feel > Manage skin sets & templates >Your Skin > Manage templates & CSS > CSS > ipb_styles.css and find #community_app_menu in this block add or modify font:******* (** is the font name)
  7. ssd hosting Im on a ssd vps now and the speed is just f'ing awesome!
  8. you need to add font-style:normal where you need to add it i dont know lol try use inspect element to trace it
  9. I rather use firewall or the buildin ip ban. I think if you make a very long list of IP to block it will bring extra load on the server
  10. kinggoon

    Question No More MyBB?

    just noticed also
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