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Everything posted by Ramy

  1. Should I completetly remove the 3.x files and replace them by the 4.x fles and do the upgrade ?
  2. hello, I'm using Nulled IP Board 3.4.8 and I want to upgrade it to IPB Nulled too (from webflake) how can I do that and What will happend to my current plugins and addons and hooks?
  3. I KNOW ! where do I put that ??? tell me the instruction for the admin panel
  4. any solution guys ? the spam is still killing my forum, please show me how with details (i'm kinda of a dumb)
  5. Because I'm curious, did you decide to completely ignore my suggestion because it's paid, or what? Humans can still sign up, and let the bot do the thing as soon as they're signed up. I dont have the money to buy it :( My credit card is local (not international) it works only on my country like ATMs and stuff thats why, if you can help me with one i'll be glad, if not please tell me another way to protect me from spam
  6. well yeah I used the captcha and still there is spam bots i'm using ipb 3.x can you tell me how to do that security question ?
  7. I didnt find it ,but i found the reCaptcha thingy , so i got the key and i've set it up. is that enough to prevent spam ??,
  8. How can i get it ? how can i install it ?
  9. Hello guys can you please help me alot of spam users are signing up to the forum and starting unlimited spam topics that has (Porn, viagra, pills...) is there any way to stop them from getting to my forum because members of my forum are complaining about those posts
  10. Apparently the forum is working for everybody and the problem is it doesnt work for me and also i didnt find my ip in the ban list only IPs banned by StopForumSpam
  11. I opened my website forum today and i found that i can't access anything and I can't login or logout or even browse as a guest its always saying Sorry, you don't have permission for that! the only thing i have access to is the admin controle panel so please help me edit: I used all browsers and i cleaned my cookies and its still the same
  12. I have readed their forum annoucement and they said that they are going to release a new version (3.0.2) that includes a php5 update
  13. The moment i saw the issue , i did it but why the path changed by itself ?
  14. The problem is , why the directory of the upload profile has changed , i didnt do it now i have to make everybody changes their profile picture again ??
  15. but their main page is in english and their setup main language is english , except for the forum
  16. Hi guys, i used PBBoard Before its a board script looks like ipb but its open source and free here a link of the board official page try it and comment your opinion http://www.pbboard.info/
  17. Is this last post ? :P
  18. Yesterday i opened the forum admin panel and i found a warning the problem is i've been using the forum for about 4 months and it never happend before, i dont know why it automaticly changed the path anyway there is alot of profile pictures and attachments are not showing because they are in a wrong upload path but before it was normal untill this path automaticly changed can you please help me
  19. Hi, I had a .ga domain registered on a paid host but the domain got suspended but at least i still have a backup for the website I asked the hosting company to do me the transfer of the backup to the new domain that i bought (with is a .com one) but when i enter the website it still redirecting me to the old website can you please help me fixing this problem and is there anyway to modify this using the database to make everything goes on the .com domain ? because i can still see that the images are not showing because they are set as in the old .ga domain
  20. ​Thanks for the help ♥ But i already searched for alot of threads of these types but none of them where helping and no one says delete from "'registerCoppaStart" anyway thank you
  21. Hello, I've made a forum , but when someone register it says that coppa problem how can i remove it ? and before there was an age verification, can you please tell me how to remove it, it will confuse the members when they about the sign up
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