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  1. Nope, the desing is awesome ^^, is for sell? I like it x)
  2. Is awesome, but the theme is minecraft... The fire is not good icon to the forums... I think ^^'...
  3. Undertake Ideas and play VideoGames <3 Will you marry me?Once they told me, if she likes Skyrim do not let go xD (Only Erza) n.n
  4. No ._. What's your favorite game?
  5. ​Thank you, I found the error, the "Group Formatting" did not close properly the "strong" and caused the error, again thank you very much.
  6. Hello everyone, thanks for your help, look at the error: http://comunidad.cloudbrowser.fluctis.com/ I appreciate your help.
  7. Is it possible to upload a file an updated version that already exists? Pandora Theme For example I have updated.
    Excelent Theme, please version 1.2.0 compatible with ips 4.0.7
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