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Everything posted by SimplyCleaver-

  1. Here i come with a full updated image of the first page :) Srry for the bad quality of the GIF but i excepting some problems with my PC and i used a website to convert the video into a GIF. I know you could say that there you still not seeing any logo. It's right, there is no logo, but it has an easy explanation : I thinking about the design of it. The only thing what i know about the logo is that it's going to be placed there, up in to the center of primary_nav and search_bar :)
  2. Update! EDIT : Here i come with a better description about what i've done on this update : I've implemented fontawesome on miaintitle before the category title ( working on a code to make an icon for every category, i mean i know one but i want to do a easy code to edit for anyone ). I've created collapsed subforums for specific categories, what appears when you put the cursor over any part of the category_block ( easy to edit wich categories you want to have such a subforums from an array :D ) I've changed the sidebar blocks with some nice and clean plus an animation on sidebar block hover.
  3. Hello. I'm Adrian and in this topic i will present to you my little project what i've started because i'm pretty borred :D It's not really a big deal but as i said, i'm borred. To be more exactly it's about an Invision Power Board theme for the version 3.4.x of this platform and yea i know it's a old version but some peoples still using it, so why not? xD I started it from Carbon Blue ( as you can see in the photo) : http://i.imgur.com/YrHX4KR.png Above you have a complet image of what i've done already and below you have the animations : The primary_nav : Search bar sumbit button : admin_bar ( two anymations, one for when you put the cursor over the ModeratorCP link and another one for when you put it over the AdminCP link / Saddly i've didn't do an animation for when you cross the cursor over the Active Reports link but i can do if it does enthuses you. ) That's all what i've done for now. It's just an hour of work saddly i don't had more time yesterday. I'll try to come with an daily update ( so yes i'll try to come with an update tonight ) For the ones who would like to buy this it will cost just 12€ PayPal ( Yea srry i accept just euros :P ) See you later flakes :d
  4. Version 1.0.0


    Deflection theme from ipb 3.x.x now avaible for ipb 4.0.x If you find some visual bugs please tell me and i will try to resolve it. The sidebar profile is a customization for my own forum(maybe soon, i will post a tutuorial about how to add it), but the theme have a customization for tha chatbox with what the chat looks like shoutbox.
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