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  1. Hmm, curious do we have a list anywhere that lists reputable host's ( VPS's / Dedi's ) for big end projects? I've been researching for a while, and I get that a good Dedicated will be around 99-150$ minimum for decent specs, + scalable options, however my concern is more with the communities.
  2. I'm really liking 3.4x so far however I'm sure I'll switch over once most of the popular plugins get updated to support 4.x especially awards, and as they've shown on the IPB site they're including user post ratings as a standard feature, though given how long a lot of them have been sitting there as "future" once can only guess I guess I'm stuck in between right now since if I go with 3.xx I'll have to worry if 4.xx will be a smooth transition and what I might lose. I'm going to try and get in touch w/ the HQ rewards developer and see what their plans are, that honestly was one of their greatest plugins imo. If nothing else I'll submit a request to have someone develop another.
  3. Omg this PUTS IPB BACK ON THE TABLE!!!! w00t!! THank you sooo much <3 ! Works like a charm !!
  4. I noticed while browsing around, many thanks + he pm'd me, quite the prompt service here, its amazing. Thanks again. Going to post in the market now. Hopefully I'll find some people that are willing to develop
  5. Thanks for this ! It'll really help out for gaming sections!
  6. Hey Setup, and thanks! That was actually the first thing I did prior to donating then posting here. I was actually referred by a friend since I wasn't aware the community initially existed so I'm pretty excited to see what I can learn and do here. Question on the donation though, it did mention to PM Phun to alert them, however I need 15 posts prior to do that, which I see no issue in doing since I'll be posting a few in the Marketplace, but just wondering if that's a requirement ( pm'ing him or optional )? Thanks again! Nice and thanks! Will do, for now its mainly plugins/addon customization, though to keep my introduction thread on topic I'll post what I'm trying to do in the proper section. I'm super torn between XF and IPB atm.
  7. Hey everyone, new here, just signed up today, slight time lurker, also just made a donation as well I love sites like this that give users the freedom to try before they buy as well as support their growth, I think this makes businesses stronger in the long run. A bit about me, slowly learning php/mysql and coming off from VB, been going back and forth between IPB and XF for about a month now, and finally thanks to everyone here I'm able to test both out and really get a feel for which would fit me more, as this will be a large scale project. I'm super happy that there's also a marketplace/request section, as I'm well aware I'll be needing to spend a LOT on custom modifications etc. Again thanks for having me !
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