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RoSiCkY last won the day on August 18 2016

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  1. You gonna crack latest version of IPS Board?

    1. Tony


      If he does and assuming he uploads it here, it'll only be deleted. I've seen his files in previous months and they're all heavily laden with links to his own website, which is something we expressly forbid.

  2. lol why make a button imgur embedded is now supported just paste the link and it will embed
  3. Heya! Can you please update Donations to Cheers :)

  4. I have a problem with upar topics for forum version 4.1.10. When the upload process ends I'm redirected to a 404 error and the theme does not upload completely, can you help me? My site is http://bpsamp.hol.es check it out as the theme is. Detail: forgive my English, I do not speak English, I'm using a translator. My skype is doontcry if you can help me 

  5. You can disable all in commerce but support and it will work just don't have the main commerce tab disabled
  6. the support page is in the SYSTEM-->APPLICATIONS-->COMMERCE-->SUPPORT go into that and see if its online and check the permissions, If the whole commerce is offline then so is support
  7. Just now like I edited my post with just the enter key pressed it says edited by, I can't see that on his post
  8. It don't update the files or folders it updates the database the files and folders get overwritten (I.E GONE/DELETED), as long as you have the uploads folder and the config file left then you can perform a update like he said, And he didn't say to delete he said rename the folder so to drag and drop it to a new folder is easier then deleting and re-uploading if needed, So as for knowledge maybe you should go get some yourself before you keep throwing your little digs at people
  9.  i cant get my email system to work for the users when they register, i wanna use a aol email for it or a gmail and i was messing with the smtp and i couldnt get it to work, Can you please help :( ? i was using the nulled version you posted

    1. Erza


      Please open a thread for support. Do not use status updates, Private Messaging, Shoutbox or Discord for support. Thanks. 

  10. Don't know what u mean by restrict CSS as u add this into the HTML not CSS but its {if \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->inGroup (array(2,4,6))}} <!-- YOUR RANDOM CRAP HERE--> {{endif}} obviously change the groups to your own group numbers
  11. Very simple and as for you don't have time to write a tutorial (Sorry to say but that's bulls**t seeing you have time to ask the questions and wait for a answer) To do it go to the \applications\core\extensions\core\Dashboard\ folder and find helpfullinks.php and delete the file job done (Only took 10 seconds to write that)
  12. no worries, If u have a domain I can help u with a server when needed as well either to test or full hosting
  13. I have them both installed on my main site and have no problems so nothing should conflict, I did notice a couple breaks in ur navbaritems template thats why I thought the copy and paste would work, I cant think of anything to why its not working then, Don't u have a server u could throw it on then I could look properly?
  14. I just compared yours to mine ur looks f***ed copy and paste mine in and I reckon it will work, I mean the navbaritems one
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