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    Works like a charm! Thanks :D
  1. Thanks hosthost. Works like a charm after that :D
  2. Thanks for all the ideas :D Fixed it haha. I got to delete the members that got invites and poof, everything is back to normal. I guess I will wait to install this application :( Thanks again guys!
  3. I tried to repair my database in cPanel but the problem is still there :( Everything seems to be OK in the database. Any more idea? Thanks!
  4. Hey I installed Invite System 2.0.4 and it did something to my Members tab on Admin. I got this: A configuration or server error has occurred EX0 Something went wrong. Please try again. The new members who got a invite, got this when trying to access his/her profile: Sorry, there is a problem Something went wrong. Please try again. Error code: EX0 I uninstalled it, but still got the same problem. Any idea to fix it? Thanks!
  5. I have the latest nulled v4. I see, can't do anything about that I guess.Thanks for you help!
  6. Can anyone help me? I can't get this plugin to works. When I tried to install it, it interrupts. The strange thing is that I can see it on plugins on admincp. Another strange thing is that there are two of them. When I tried to enable this plugin, the homescreen of my site get a Error code EXO. If I try to unistall both the plugins, I got this: 1S111/1 error plugins. Thanks for you time and help!
  7. haha, I know why I didn't saw Other Apps before...I have scaled up my screen, so it disappeared. Thanks and solved!
  8. Yes, I have...nothing I haven't done already
  9. Hi, I just can't get this "thing" to work at all... I've already uploaded the upload stuff through my public_html and installed it in Applications and Modules. How do get I from here? I just can't find the edit settings to this anywhere In Manage Hooks, there is only edit hooks...no edit settings Btw obviously noob here haha Thanks!
  10. Pizza when you're eating it, but not after...
  11. No Internet Connection Like losing a arm haha
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