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  1. But Epic has made UT, and you said Epic is trash. xD
  2. Trash games? Unreal Tournament is trash game (I'm talking about old ones, not this new UE game)? That game was start into the multiplayer gaming scene. Without UE games nothing would be possible today. I will said that Fortnite is only game that can be called a trash that is made by them. Also their Unreal Engine...I will say, more than 70% games available today uses Unreal Engine 2, 3, 4 or some remake/revamp of the same engine, such as idTech engine used for Call of Duty games (even new 2019 CoDMW will be based on same idTech aka Unreal Engine 3. Epic and their engine is reason why we have such big gaming base today.
  3. gogo

    GTA 5?

    GTA5 is weird game compared to older parts. :S
  4. Xbox, but PC is still no1
  5. What's wrong with epic? It's way better launcher than anything that already exists (including Steam it self).
  6. Cola is good, but damn pepsi is way better!
  7. MyBB, cos isn't expensive and restricted as IPB is today. IPB is just to expensive for what it gives you in exchange.
  8. gogo

    BMW or Audi?

    Audi...cause quattro!
  9. A dog, english bulldog, Zeus. :D A little devil (7 months), he ate my tv remote controll yesterday.
  10. Hello all, I'm here for an almost 2 years now, but never had enough time to post something or talk. Hopefully that's gonna change in the future.
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