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Everything posted by Sebastian94

  1. Hello there and Welcome to Webflake.
  2. I like Dark Themes because it easier on my sensitive eyes and depending on what games me and my friends play I usually change the theme around for certain new games that we plan to play after they are released
  3. I personally use AVG as a anti-virus
  4. Lol I bet most of it would be Linux over Windows and its mainly cause you have more security on Linux I mean to even edit a text file in the Linux Systems folder requires a password while Windows doesn't require a password
  5. I love Windows 7 for gaming Linux is alright for the work I do that involves the use of linux like for instance websites are mainly hosted on linux.
  6. Christmas lights for any Website Script install just follow this link also you don't need the resize just ignore it link to Christmas lights https://codepen.io/chrisdoble/pen/ZbmOXO CSS Edits to make the lights work 100% with any Website Script install are as follows body { align-items: center; background-color: #ebeced; <- Remove this line display: flex; justify-content: center; } .christmasLights { animation: flash 2s step-start infinite; border-image-repeat: round; border-image-slice: 50% 0; border-style: solid; width: 90%; <- Change from 90% to auto for mobile }
  7. My name is Sebastian94 I like ipb been using it from when it was 3.x to 4.2 now I know a few things about it and will share info when possible
  8. I been using ips from 3 to 4 and I havent been caught only time I was suspended by my webhost while I had ips was do to CPU usage reaching higher than 10% after that I switched hosts
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