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Everything posted by Яǿ×αS©™MagعSti¢

  1. i re-uploaded the latest version and now works, i guess that probably the post.php file was missing or corrupt and ipb was working with the cache files for some actions.
  2. Hii everyone !! After the latest update i can't reply to topics with images. When im trying to reply to a topic with an image like this: I only get an 0 error and redirect to index page by getting an 404 error. Can someone help me?
  3. The new modern warfare has new game-engine, graphics and stories, i think will be good !!!
  4. Mine is black ops 4 bro, im playing it now and... i found just 1 problem, the black market.. this time sucks
  5. PC is much better :VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV im playing at 144fps (v sync ON) the 80% of games, can console do?
  6. IPB is more modern than Vbulletin, and i think you have much more free resources than vBulletin
  7. Fixed, I changed the data storage to MySQL downloaded/uploaded constants.php cleared the Datastorage and NOW WORKS! #close
  8. Hiii !! I just installed IPB 4.3.6 (IPS_Community_Suite_4.3.6_[WF_NULL]) and when i enable friendly url i got this error "Error code: 1S160/2" Someone knows how to solve it?
  9. You can also change the battery of iphone bro
  10. I prefer IPB4, The design, the new functions and much more is better in the 4 version
  11. Hi !! With Windows 10 Pro im using Kaspersky and for malware MalwareBytes
  12. Im a gamer bro and my pc have high-end specs so.. i need 'good' drivers and software to manage it..
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