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About AfricanOreo

  • Birthday 06/01/1993

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  1. Enjoying your ban I hope:) , hopefully Phun IP bans your whole household that way you can never return :)

  2. ​I thought that was it, but I'm not on a bandwidth cap, soo it turns out that if you turn off Quick Translating which is under Customization > Languages​ > Translation Tools it solves this issue.
  3. Resource Limit Is ReachedThe website is temporarily unable to service your request as it exceeded resource limit. Please try again later. Just recently decided to check up on one of my forums and this is all i keep getting, any idea whats causing this and how to fix this from further happening?
  4. ​ Remove <div class="footerBar"></div> from the footer template. ​Perfect and to complete what I was trying to achieve if anyone else is interested you would remove the following code: <div class='subNavigationBox'> <div id='elFooterNavigation' class='ipsSubNavigation ipsLayout_container'> {template="rssMenu" app="core" group="global" params=""} {template="breadcrumb" app="core" group="global" params="false"} </div> </div>
  5. Is it possible to get rid of the bottom legend and background to get the footer to hug the forum?
  6. ​Go into "Manage Resources" the headerbar should be in there, edit it and delete the current image and upload a new one (1920x200) keep the same name for it and it should be fine. ​Thanks brotha!
  7. How would we go about changing the background in the header/ footer area
  8. ​Unfortunately not, the process in switching the tab names is going to your ACP>Customization>Languages and then you click translation tools, and turn on the option quick translating. Once you do that go to your home page, hold and click the tab you want the name change to happen to as well as sub link underneath the tab. TA-DA! Having said that iv only managed to fix one of my issues the next is any image posted on the public side that isn't being forced to use the gallery (so we exempt gallery, downloads and store due to they force use gallery) and this leaves us with any public post with a picture, when clicking the picture it downloads the damn thing and its been quite annoying.
  9. ​I agree fully :) thats the one I'm currently using and it blends quite well in a dark theme!
  10. Do you like the logo with flare or no flare? Whats your take, vote above, comment below.
  11. I'll always be ready to help out, seriously  Kappa 

  12. ​Hhahahaha Erza you made me laugh so hard rah now omg I'm dying
  13. Alright guys, heres the thing. Im trying to do some customization for my ipb forums. Thing is. I can't seem to figure this out on my own. Issue one/two how do I change the name Blog to News and the word Forums to Media Kit (A example is the tabs you see above saying blog/ forums. Id love that changed. As well as when you're in that section the first title you see is blog/forums.) So by changing it, id love it to read News/ Media Kit based on which tab you're in. Third issue is on the blog section. When I view the front section (picture below) and want to read an article, if i click the link, it goes to the article, but if i click the picture, instead of going to the article it downloads the picture, is there a reason to this? Can this be changed?
  14. Hey billy ill be needing your help with the launch of my new site any support would be appreciated <3 and some

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