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Vocaloid last won the day on April 5 2015

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About Vocaloid

  • Birthday 10/31/1994

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  1. The images.xml seems to not work. When attempting to import it, it says: Import Failed: Nothing To Import.
  2. Vocaloid

    Miserable Users

    Tested. Doesn't work at all.
  3. Phun is really busy, so I'd take a screenshot of your receipt and send it to Davlin. That's one of the things he requested I do, he just isn't on yet, but when he is, he'll see it. So I'd take a picture of your paypal receipt, which contains the amount you paid, the confirmation #, and who you paid the $10 to. You can wait for Phun to get back on, but I'm not a patient girl, so I am just providing what I did to get around the wait time, as it can be anywhere from days to weeks. P.S. - Unless an admin opens a conversation with you directly, you need 2 more posts (15 total) to actually be able to send Davlin a message)
  4. Aww thanks guys! You're all very kind! I'm glad to be part of this community. You're all especially awesome, and unique individuals. //.^ Glad I joined.
  5. Donated to these awesome people :P

  6. Hello there, everyone. My name is Amy (otherwise known as Vocaloid). I'm a long time IP.board user, and stumbled upon this beautifully awesome community. From what I've seen you're all fantastic unique individuals, and I'm happy that I can be a part of this community. Just because the people that make this community possible, are so awesome.. I donated to the cause! (technically my boyfriend did for me)... Same difference . If anyone has any questions [which I doubt] feel free to message me! - Otherwise the end!
  7. Yeah unfortunately I have been getting that same problem. I think it might be something particular to our forums, not necessarily this, because it happened to me much prior to using this. - This one is a lot cooler. Thanks for sharing!
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