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Everything posted by TheChaoz

  1. Hello and thank you for answering me and I'll give you +1 by the links. But there are certain things I did not understand 1: For what or how I can install or use that? 2: The group name indicator, I already have and I know how to add color to the groups, but I told you not like putting double color. example: Administrator. and I only put it of a color. example: Administrator. 3: Group color on user link. also I have it But in version 1.40, But the thing is I do not see an option in it to tell me something as: '' Want to show color group in your profile? '' 4: I did not understand well, only I understood that I have to go to the css of my skin, but exactly where in I have that to add that code? Please help me
  2. Hi, well I have some questions I would like to know and tell me how to do them to learn more so. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1: How I can add a mini image as have it in this forum? Here pictures: Etc.. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2: How do I can put two colors to a group? Because only a color i can put to each group. For example: Administrators. | Moderators. But something not I know how to do is how you can put two colors at once, such as in this photo: As you can see has two colors, a clear purple and the other darker purple. ''+'' ''Donators''. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3: How do I can do to make the color of rank of a user display that color in your profile? For Example: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4: Last questions. How do I can put the title of the member up instead of down? and How do I can sort the statistics on user info in form square? For example: Posts: 15 Reputation: 10 Joined: 15 january 2015 My forum userinfo: as I want it. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ I hope someone oneself Take the hassle to help me with all this, I really appreciate it for everything to help me =)
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