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Thorn last won the day on March 13 2015

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About Thorn

  • Birthday 09/24/1994

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  1. Nice one Ty, lost all of this work FYI due to IPS banning me from their Community in the Cloud. I'll be restarting it possibly. Add me on Skype if you haven't: xpgrifter
  2. They keep that information classified I believe.
  3. I just nulled IPB4 RC5 :)

  4. There's a bug I discovered in the Flake4 (Light) theme. When showing members' awards in a post it repeatedly has a "3" after every award (see screenshot below). This doesn't happen in the default theme, so I know it's not normal. Easy fix however, and most likely just an accidentally typed character in the HTML, and not really a big deal, just thought I'd point it out.
  5. Yeah, I get that it was made to be flat. I will be taking this completely custom however, it will not have the flat look at all (however it will still utilize font awesome and have little to no images as it does now), but it will still be responsive when it's done. The site is a mostly xbox based gaming forum, so green is their thing. Updated the pic with my recent progress.
  6. Not near done, I've only done the board index and still not even done with it. Made some changes though and ported it to IPB 4.0. I'm doing green because it will be sold as a custom skin and the guy wants green
  7. Just for other people to see, even though you've found the answer: To change the reputation type: Go to ACP > System Tab > System Settings > Members > Reputation System From there the "Reputation type" setting changes how you can see if people rep you or not, etc. The 2nd thing isn't possible in native IPB, you'd need a custom hook. The 3rd you can do by doing this: ACP > Members Tab > Member Groups > Manage Member Groups > The group you want to cap > "Global" tab > Scroll down to the reputation category.
  8. It's the way the skin's coded. I don't see why it bothers you much to be honest. Try this:
  9. @Erza you could always just quickly connect via FTP and modify the .htaccess file to add your IP if you're on a different network. No programs needed, just use cPanel.
  10. Recently I've been brainstorming ideas for a new skin I will be making for this big forum (and getting a big profit as well ) and I came up with a perfect, well at least I think, perfect design. So far I've only done the category title, but I will be styling the whole theme to match it and making the theme pretty custom. When I'm done, it won't even look like IPB anymore except for the core functionality. Problem is, I have to stop before I do too much to it because I'm going to be making it on IPB4. This IPB3 version is just my "rough draft" if you will before I move to IPB4. I will also be using font awesome more than actual .png icons Screenshots are below, what do you think of the design? Just updated to IPB 4.0 and ported it, as well as did the sidebar and editted the maintitle. It still needs work on the board index though. Board index (IPB 4):
  11. You could also do a set width (so it doesn't overflow the userinfopane) and then height: auto; and it will be like here on WebFlake where avatars can be really tall but don't have to be
  12. Yes, I've seen something like this before. Let me grab the code for it. That should do the trick. If you want to use something other than anonym.to, just go to their site and get their JS file (if they have one) and replace the links in the code above with the new domain. Hope I helped!
  13. y0 h0m13 gu3ss wh4t

    1. Thorn


      I 4ppl13d 4 supp0rt t34m

    2. Kingy


      I see it bro http://gyazo.com/c5a0cba228cac954c93c9049fc5e8f0c ;)

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