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Everything posted by EvilModder

  1. Version 1.1.6


    [color=rgb(40,40,40)][font=helvetica][size=3] [b]UTF8 Database Converter[/b] This tool will convert your IP.Board 3.x database to UTF8 (with a collation of utf8_unicode_ci). This tool has a web interface and a CLI interface which is preferable where permission allows. The download zip contains full instructions inside the "readme.html" document. Your original data is not overwritten until you confirm that the conversion has been successful so you can test this out as many times as you like. [b]Beta Release[/b] As this is a beta release, please be aware that there may be bugs. If you do spot one, please post it to the [url="http://community.invisionpower.com/resources/bugs.html/_/ips-extras/"]IPS Extras bug tracker[/url]. [b]Requirements[/b] Please note that the UTF8 Converter has the following requirements: PHP 5.3 MySQL 5.0.3[/size][/font][/color] What's New in Version 1.1.6 ([url="http://community.invisionpower.com/index.php?app=downloads&module=display&section=changelog&file=6823"]See full changelog[/url])[list] [*]- Correctly checks if an external archive table is not UTF8 and needs converting. [*]- Checks for specific IPB tables to ensure SQL prefix, etc, is correct [*]- Skips content_cache_posts, content_cache_sigs content for speed [*]- Fix for when session saving exceeds max_packet [/list]
  2. I can prob make a sweet logo, I will do it when i get on my other pc.
  3. dude what an amazing theme i have ever seen i think this looks badass man great job.
  4. like the new updates great job man looking good.
  5. i have the same thing but it will work.just one thing it wont work on mobile phones but it will work on windows pc. un install it set one them for all users and reinstall than it will work it conflicts with members profile.i had test 5 time and keep geting the same thing
  6. thanks guys i will update more when i get half way done hopefully when finish it will look beast... i have now updated the 2 pics so let me know on what you think and if u like to test it out let me know ill give you a little demo also just added my login and register view i have just finished it i might release it not too sure i think its a nice theme that i created
  7. was up guys i decided to try and make a mybb theme now i had no clue on some of the codes but i just watched some youtube videos on different coding and skins for mybb so i decided to try and make one it is not fully finished but this is what i got so far please let me know what you think? Front Page: http://gyazo.com/8c429a65ab76c3ecf2a20fb112c067b8 (update) Forum view: http://gyazo.com/715bd1c1016006e02eb6bfadad64b2c2 (update) Topic View: http://gyazo.com/35f67743ea120b43839d8a10d6886653 Reply View: http://gyazo.com/17b10a91466f79cf63ede3b74cf3011e Login and Register View: http://gyazo.com/26d18398468e614ac812bed2c6f04249 (just added this) so please let me know on what you think and how it looks. Remember i am not fully finish i am still in working progress.
  8. 84 downloads

    [b]Summary[/b]: A selection of seal badges. You can modify/re-colour/resize so your not limited to the colours or sizes shown in the preview. Only the PSD is supplied as it would be pointless in releasing other formatted icons when users will have different text/wording. The seal badges can be adapted for your faceboob website pages, notices and other areas that represent your wesbite. The PSD is sliced so it's an easy one click save. Also, the icons are vectored which means re-colouring them takes 2 seconds as does resizing etc.
  9. these are pretty sweet hope you guys like them
  10. Version 1.1


    [color=rgb(0,0,0)][font=verdana][size=3][background=rgb(253,253,254)]Logo text can be edit with the PSD downloaded.. also these badges logo and forum levels are pretty cool for a gaming forum would go great. enjoy the badges,logo and forum levels[/background][/size][/font][/color]
  11. welcome to the site man please read the commuinty rules stay active and need help pm me for bigger issues pm an staff member. enjoy WF!!!
  12. yeah that isnt smart advertising on the forums man.
  13. EvilModder


    welcome to webflake bro glad you joined if you need any help please pm me i would be a gentlemen to help you if you have bigger issues please contact an staff member. also please read the rules and stay active thanks for joining WF!!!
  14. welcome to webflake please stay active read the community guidlines and the forum rules also if need any help pm me or go right to a staff member for bigger issues. enjoy WF!
  15. lol thanks man and nulling hahaha sure y not lol i wouldnt really care unless it was a special skin hahaha but thanks for the feedback
  16. thanks guys it was my first skin i ever created im still a newbie to it lol but hopefully i keep creating and soon enough ill get better at it
  17. this is my first skin i ever made i am a newbie to this lol i just started yesterday and got alot done today please let me know what you think of this work. http://gyazo.com/95c74971ff277291de801f732995a557 http://gyazo.com/4a4cffd8e680d1b2451870818135bcae http://gyazo.com/800f05047067293a218a9e3babf6f4c4 please let me know wat you think thanks.
  18. Welcome to the site please read the rules and stay active hope you like Webflake and need some help pm me ill gladly help you
  19. Welcome to the forums man glad you joined hope to see you stay active please read the rules and if you need some help pm me or for bigger help go to the staff team
  20. Hopeing to Join the staff team here at WF one day

    1. GTAIVCode3


      Don't we all...

    2. Evarni


      I had a great time when I was a staff member here.

    3. EvilModder


      thats cool man im hoping one day i get it

  21. Honored to join WF Staff team one day

  22. Welcome to the site please read the rules and stay active if you need some help you can pm me or if you need help with bigger things go to a staff member. Hope you enjoy the site
  23. Welcome to the site please read the rules and stay active if you need any help you can pm me or you can go head to a staff member for bigger things
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