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Everything posted by ScottSmudger

  1. Personally, stick with 3.4.x for now. The interface, animations, layout etc. for 4.0 is fantastic, but it is lacking a lot of Apps and Plugins so we'll need to wait for developers to catch up. You can make a 3.4.x forum look great with a decent skin, just keep looking. In my experience 4.0 is also quite a pain to restore from a backup. An installation I am using has just had problems since. 3.4.x was a breeze to restore.
  2. What is memory_limit currently? It needs to be atleast 128M in your php.ini to support IPB.
  3. Welcome to the Webflake forums, I hope many resources you may need will be here. :)
  4. Yes, welcome back to the forums! Many things have probably changed since your last visit.
  5. There are presets, which uses inches rather than pixels. This would be used for printing you would now the size of the image/sheet before you actually print it. Whereas px is obviously pixels and a resolution.
  6. Nightly (64-bit Firefox), the most buggiest browser ever, but still great
  7. This is very odd... Do you have any other sites installed on the same server? It could a PHP issue.
  8. Double check the Group Formatting Prefix/Suffix in the ACP for the correct Member Group. It may be doubled in the HTML.
  9. Welcome to the Webflake forums! I hope you feel welcome here
  10. Welcome to the Webflake forums!
  11. Is this for your own site? If yes it will vary depending on your chosen skin If no, try clearing your cache in your browser settings
  12. Have you tried recaching? Especially the skin sets.
  13. Welcome to Webflake:)
  14. -_- *note: Only menu titles are Russian (links allowed?) http://puu.sh/hDMwt/3e374318b0.png
  15. Please provide an English version!
  16. Currently works fine for me.   Just have to make sure you register and copy the correys keys provided to you from google.
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