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  1. Mairon

    User Roles

    Just a few questions from my side of to understand it better. Do you have the current roles installed or do they still need to be created? Do you already use a plugin for your download page? If no to both questions I might advice you to take a look into woocommerce https://nl.wordpress.org/plugins/woocommerce/ they might offer what you're looking for. Here's an extra link to woocommerce and their roles / groups : https://learnwoo.com/woocommerce-understand-user-roles-capabilities/ A lot of wordpress sites use woocommerce to create a shop or a download page for their site. https://yithemes.com/themes/plugins/yith-woocommerce-automatic-role-changer/?refer_id=1061975 The plugin metioned above might also help with automatic role changing? Woocommerce is free but also offers prenium plugins to modify user roles This is basically the only advice I have to look into woocommerce.
  2. Windows , it is just more user friendly then IOS however, when it comes to phones I will always pick apple over Android
  3. I think it might be FLine
  4. We've got 2 birds and 4 dogs over here. One is a African gray tail The other one is a cuckatoo. 2 chihuahua's , 1 Malthese and 1 Shih tzu
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