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Monkey D. Luffy

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About Monkey D. Luffy

  • Birthday 11/20/1992

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  1. So turns out, I was doing the most basic stupid mistake. The forum was giving me a htaccess file and I had to rename it to .htaccess I forgot the dot ( . )
  2. Yes I downloaded the .htaccess file and uploaded it to the root public_html of my server. But still no luck.
  3. You're welcome. You basically upvoted yourself. And I can't stop laughing. LOL!
  4. You need to have the Commerce module enabled. Go to admin cp. Commerce>Store>Settings>Gift Cards When first visiting this area, you will see the following screen. You can then set up various set amounts that your members can purchase along with optionally allow their own amounts if you wish to do so, as you can see I have set up below. Purchases gift cards Your members can then buy gift card from the store on the section on the right When selecting to buy a gift card, you can then select a colour, a message for the person who is to receive this. You can then either print or email these to the person they are for. Using Gift Cards Your members can use gift cards using the redeem button shown in the image above (next to the buy button). They will then be asked for the gift card code which can be seen on the gift card itself. Upon entering this, the credit will be added to the account for purchasing items in your store with.
  5. HI, I'm trying to change the default URL to SEO friendly URLs but when I enable rewriting, it gives 404 not found. I tried with multiple PHP versions from 7.0 - 7.4. But still no luck.
  6. I feel so dumb. The option was disabled only for admin. Had to enable it in user settings. And its enabled for normal users. Can a staff member please mark this as closed. Thank you.
  7. Hello, I have downloaded IPB 4.4.10 and installed dimension theme. The problem is I don't see any option to post/update status. I have the permission enabled in group and in enabled profile settings> status updates. But still I don't see option either create or in profile. And I don't either see the Activity tab, like in webflake?
  8. Yup, this solved the problem. But weird. I understand the condition Exactly 1 would work. But Should more than 1, also work?
  9. So, I wanted to force members to make an intro post in the introduction section. And only then would they get access to remaining forum. So I changed the default member group to newbie, then created a member group. Both of them have group promotion enabled. Now under group promotion tab, I made so that group newbie (check image here) after 1 content count (img) will get promoted to group members (img) So to test this I made a test user and made a post in introduction section. I can see in the test user profile that the content count has increased to 1, but the group is still newbie (img) Can anyone let me know, if maybe I did something wrong, or if something is broken in the code. The IPB software was from webflake 4.4 version copy, downloaded yesterday. Kindly let me know. Thank you.
  10. Hi, I wanted to know, what is the max size of OTG supported by Moto G3, Redmi 1s, Iphone 5s, Iphone 6 and 6s. All of these with respect to Indian Build. Please let me know. Thanks.
  11. Mahn!!! Finally back after my training. Now finally I can give time to myself.!!!

  12. Finally my IPB 4 is installed and working properly. Man, its such a relief!!!

  13. Oh well, Great lord. I solved this myself, I played around with the PHP config and got it. PHP version should be selected to 5.5 I was using 5.4 uptill now and was getting the error, so if anyone faces the same stupid error like me, just upgrade your PHP version.
  14. - Well, the file integrity should be good since I downloaded the one from webflake and directly uploaded and extracted to my webhost - Well, at the first page of installation, it showed everything was perfect, the folder permissions and all. How do I export the setup from wamp to my host? P.S. : I really need help with this, so if anyone is willing to help me with the installation then please PM me, ofcourse I'll give you access to the ftp n all. Thanks guys
  15. ​Well, you can use a nulled version, like mentioned in the post above. But if you are saying as in not use any key at all, then no, you can't.
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