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Zee last won the day on January 31 2015

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About Zee

  • Birthday 04/11/1991

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  1. Zee

    IP. Chat [Retail]

    Doesn't work you have to enter key.
  2. Zee

    Question 300 SECONDS???

    Donate for 0 limits per day.
  3. The TeamSpeak Tutorial itself is easier but W/E Not bad at all.
  4. What's better than sleeping ?

    1. Zee


      Oh wait, Webflaking.

    2. Mortiferr


      I could say something really sexual right now, but I will refrain and agree with you...WF is awesome.

  5. Clean, Fast, helpful , and Great, Thats how to make Tutorial, Keep it up.
  6. Nope this is not a hook this comes with the theme itself and you cant edit the whole design only the Texts, Like "Total Topics, posts etc" thats what you can edit i've tried that before, Otherwise if you don't like it just disable it and it'll not show anymore.
  7. Helped me too, Thank you and its working fine,
  8. Don't get what you mean, explain more.
  9. This is Gridlock and its into The donator section, its not that Theme tbh, Not cool to have a Forum and Every section has an image, which the forum will look ugly & Busy But i guess Chris's Answer is enough. Click here to view the theme.
  10. Nothing worked, got rid of it and deleted it.
  11. helpppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp
  12. You have to pm the Administrators < Phun & Davlin Edit : Phun was actually replying when i replied that
  13. Started working with this.
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