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  1. Always seemed crazy to me to force users to post in order to download something just to spark activity. I understand you want activity, but forcing people to post usually drives people away.
  2. Black Mirror 13 Reasons Why
  3. New place has a finished attic and I'm putting my mancave in there. Girl agreed I can decorate however I want and do with it whatever I feel. I'm thinking about a pool table, lazy boy, TV, ps4, dartboard and some other shit but not sure. Any ideas?
  4. I am Padgoi. I work in Finance in NYC and have a 7 year old daughter. I have been dabbling in forums for a few years and only recently started to join other communities besides my own . Hi.
  5. I used to have an iphone but I didn't like the fact that I couldn't change icon design so I used to jailbreak, but jailbreaking in itself is very unstable so I recently moved to Android and have never looked back. I actually design my own themes now using the KLWP app.
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