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Cookie Monster

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Everything posted by Cookie Monster

  1. What version of IPB 4 do you have? and where did you get the released ? Or is this from IPS itself
  2. I think that IPB 3 still supports this. Unsure if it works with IPB 4 But how i would do it. Install IPB 3 and IPS ConverterConvert the forum from MyBB to IPB 3Upgrade IPB 3 to 4
  3. Is this IPB3 or IPB4 ? And where do you get the error message ?
  4. Thanks for a great tutorial. Is it possible to make it NOT be enabled on the mobile theme ? This is for the IPB 4.
  5. That would just be what todo :) +1 from me
  6. Click in your moderatorCP (its in your personal menu where you have adminCP) Left side is announcementsWrite the announcement:) That should fix it.
  7. Or you can try <?php include '../ipbwi/examples/member_login.php'; ?>
  8. I can second that as i run a Android related news website in wordpress for years. And its easy to maintain, easy to write news. And you can use plugins to integrate most of anything you will need, right from the start or in the feature if the site grows
  9. Unfortunatly IPB 4 is a completely new version and everythings is kind of brand new to it. Best thing todo when upgrading is to upgrade with "stock" standard theme. Then check with developer if there is a new release of the skin you are using for the IPB4.
  10. once you are in the cometchat dashboard is it set to online. in the Cometchat dashboard i did the following to test. Cometchat > Dashboard > Themes > Set Lite That worked for me.
  11. I have mine working make sure you also enter the install and admin panel after this. Should be /me/cometchat/adminor /me/cometchat/install
  12. You mean like this ? https://community.invisionpower.com/files/file/7518-site-name-on-admin-cp/
  13. So the way i remember doing it Upload the IPB3 forumUploaded the content of the converterSetup the converter to use the old database from your phpBBConvert it and finish itOnce all content is converted do not make any changes visual or mods on IPB3.Upload the content of IPB4 to server and MOVE IPB3 to a folder (i named it _311)Moved except the uploads folder.Upgrade to IPB4 Profit Hope this helps :)
  14. I don't know I know how to convert to IPB4 But i do know IPB 3 offered converters from IPB3 So if you do it a bit longer way you should be able todo it in the following way. phpBB > IPB 3 > IPB 4 Think the info says here https://www.invisionpower.com/services/migrate (Select phpBB) to see what it will convert. Converter is located here http://webflake.sx/files/file/1265-ips-converters-34-build-1210/
  15. Not a lot todo with this but when your on it i also suggest doing this. <li><a href="#top">Back to Top</a></li>This will create a link that will scroll to the top (useful for mobile devices)
  16. When you do the upgrade, make sure you do not upgrade any applications. Only upgrade Forum, Calendar. Atleast thats the safe way i did it, i exprienced the same as you. Restored the backup redid the install but ONLY did Forum / System / Calendar. No other things i upgraded and did those later after the install.
  17. I Think its the use of Tags. Not sure how to change colors but when you create a topic members can either enter a tag, or you can as a admin predefine tags.
  18. Most thing i look forward to in the 4.1 is the fix for CKE editor so it works better on mobile devices.
  19. Thank you, let me know what happends. Love the way it has been made.
  20. This guide have been so helpfup but i do struggle a bit. I even imported the XML file as a database and changed the field ID as in one of the steps. But when i add the database to a page I only see, Error. Then the page turns white and unable to use it. Any good steps where to start from or any advise on this when you use your Feature Plans XML file. Thank you upfront @Nervodx <3
  21. Hi ^_^ And welcome to Webflake!
  22. I happend to be in your same shoes this is what i did. Restored DB backup and files back to 3.4 (i was on 4.0.11) Then set the IPS as default theme. (Moved all files with ftp to a folder named _348, just so i have a backup) Uploaded all IPS 4 files. Ran the ugprade, BUT. I only selected the following to upgrade. ForumCalendarSystemThe shoutbox and chatbox i did not upgrade. Once updated i installed them after i had access to my IPB panel. Might not be the answer but i failed the upgrade 4 times, because i was to fast until i did it that way.
  23. Glad it worked then sorry for my late reply, i ended up go out with the missy for a date yesterday :P
  24. Check if this has been in your .htaccess file with FTP, i think it stores this there, but unsure i dont got access to my forum at as i am at work. But will check when i get home and try assist further then.
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