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Cookie Monster

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Everything posted by Cookie Monster

  1. Thanks for solving this! Glad this is back now :D
  2. That is normally a error 500 so something either the code, or a configuration is wrong. Can you check in settings or try remove the plugin / application and see if it makes a difference by reinstall it. Does the usergroup have access to use the application ?
  3. Have you done any modifications or plugins that effects the topiv view (How topics are viewed) or Share links ? Also what skin is this ? (Looks like default since its ID is 1)
  4. Is this a custom skin or is this default template? If default template I would presume you can go AdminCP > Customization > Your Theme > Edit Ressources > Save and backup the original one > Upload with same name and overwrite with new icon.
  5. @AndradeS I'm not sure but it looks to me its locked because you cant make any changes to the system of it. So I will need to test it on my testing board later to see what I can find out. Have you setup a gateway etc ?
  6. I never brought it I ended up get 5 lisences for Norton that I gave away. Got 3 lisences for Symantec Endpoint (That was ok back in the day) Then again I beta tested Panda Cloud and got a free Pro versions due that i gave alot of feedback! :) Now I stick to NOTHING, yeah that simple. Nothing Windows Defender built in and a firewall. I kind of figured that its not needed as i normally run with alot of scripts and blocks. Most malware, and virus these days are built to attack your browser, and the plugins you use (90% is the plugins like java, flash, shockwave etc) Having denial of js, iframes and of course any 3rd party loading scripts (Disconnect) Add this on top with sandbox for running my cracks and keygens should protect most of it. Then again I ONLY run in Windows when I play games the rest i am running on Linux!
  7. Hi and welcome to the forums @AndradeS Is this a nulled version or a retail version ?
  8. fxp is flashfxp file. Would presume its a queue file for FTP Transfer @BrionB0
  9. Here you go @tytanminos If you got a link to this Rockstar Game that i can look at (like link to community etc) i can re-code it :) Proof of concept | Virustotal Here ya go, you can change the link in the plugin menu, just re-upload the file and overwrite (AdminCP > System > plugins > Upload new version) Floating Social Sidebar.xml
  10. Check admincp > system > support > system error > latest or the other one and post it here please.
  11. Go into your topic area click the > to the left and remove the blocks you don't want on that page.
  12. This one you can upload and globaly change it.
  13. If this happends after host move. Try admincp > system > support And delete bad cache.
  14. Because as i said, the IMAGE is big, (resize it like @phun said) The CSS only resizes it to "look" smaller, but it used alot of bandwidth Suggestion do as @phun said resize the image problem solved.
  15. Welcome to Webflake! Now thats a great intro tbh :D
  16. So where in IPS is this? Notifications Forums Widget What does it normally say, as thats English / Brazilian.
  17. Thats because it uses CSS to scale down the photo, and on the other theme its not scaled. Best Practice is to make a standard size of the image, and let the theme rescale it after that. (lets say the images are 36x36 Then redo the image to be 36x36 with @Kensei suggestion. That way if the iamge is bigger it will rescale with CSS
  18. Well I'm not giving up yet! I have not gotten my cookies yet :P
  19. Do you remember if you where using datastore or mysql ? If it was Datastore you can try change it to mysql. Log into AdminCP (if its possible) System > Advanced Config > Datastore Select Mysql (if its not selected) and you have to download the constant.php file and reupload it to the root of your forum. Select AdminCP > System > Support > Something is wrong (so it deletes bad cache) AdminCP > System > Search Engine Optimization (Option 2,3 needs to be enabled) and you need to download and reupload the .htaccess file. Could you let me know if this works ? You mean restore ;)
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