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Cookie Monster

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Everything posted by Cookie Monster

  1. That to me looks like you have to many items to fit it. Do you have the URL and i can take a look @Sarah.
  2. Version 4.x


    This is created for those that wants to create their own Release Notes on their forum, please follow the guide linked below to create it with the files provided here. Please don't down vote this if you only download this without reading the tutorial - Its essential to follow the tutorial to make it all work.
  3. Release Notes Tutorial So after following a guide from IPS located here and some people wanted to re-create it i found out i did it myself and sharing the work here to simplify things for others. If you liked this tutorial please remember to give it a thumbs up. where you see this icon bottom right corner of this post. Let's get started! Pre - Download the files from the download section below 1) Import the Database 2) Permissions for the database 3) Delete the default template that gets created 4) Upload Template file 5) Add the CSS and JS 6) Finding and adding the correct field_id 7) Editing Database Settings 8) Creating the page If you liked this tutorial please remember to give it a thumbs up. where you see this icon bottom right corner of this post.
  4. Thank you Well simply click on each Number and follow it. If its hard to do the HTML, CSS and JS and content they are explaining i would possible recommend to hire a developer to get the job done . But see below i have created a guide.
  5. Your answer is what @Hidden Ninja just said. You can re-crawl your website here just remember to add HTTPS and HTTP (as both domains work) and then select the HTTPS that is your "main" property as google calls it. In that website, when you are happy with it. I belive you can add your Sitemap or to see how Google views your page Fetch As Google These are all tools for Google Webmasters. You can find your sitemap at yoururl.com/sitemap.php i belive But it takes up to 90 days before Google updates its information on small pages. So make sure you submit it and "reCrawl" the site to give it a nudge and let Google know now that you have changed your site.
  6. What Faraonii just said above me (quoted below) is the way i ment you needed to do it Thanks
  7. He was joking I belive. To the left of each answer is a arrow up for best answer I belive. ?
  8. Could you link the tutorial from Invision Power ?
  9. Just to inform you @CmdrSpock in the Community Guidelines Please avoid replying to "dead" topics (typically topics older than 1-2 weeks are considered dead). This topic is from November 2016.
  10. I would say the same as @XxROBOTICSxX does not give us a lot of information to help with. Rather then ask for private support @XxROBOTICSxX would it not be simpler to reply to this topic so others can possible help as well
  11. And as a bonus you can use developer.facebook.com with the scraper to test some of it ?
  12. Ask for the hash aswell possible that it gives you then would increase security
  13. And as a added bonus for my cookie @Caleeco I found the broken pages for you. https://www.jitbit.com/sslcheck/ Pages with unsecure content: https://www.excelwtf.com/index.php?/topic/74-create-address-label-using-user-data https://www.excelwtf.com/index.php?/topic/26-course-take-me-to-the-vba-visual-basic-editor https://www.excelwtf.com/index.php?/topic/70-formula-formulatext-function-return-a-formula-as-text-in-cell Starts to eat his cookie
  14. Full SSL is always the way to go in 2017 Same as its ALWAYS nice to feed me cookies when i resolve a problem. Google likes that too But to answer your question, i have not tested the application so i can't say if you need to reupload i would follow the instructions for that application install it and try the link, if the link is still broken then re upload the image
  15. So first thing i see, was go into this https://www.excelwtf.com/index.php?/topic/70-formula-formulatext-function-return-a-formula-as-text-in-cell/ And now HTTPS is broken reason was as i said above as well. Mixed Content Adding a plugin like this might be of interest and help @Caleeco
  16. You need to enable image icons (this removes font awesome) so the gray icons. Enabling custom fa- icons means you disable the custom icons
  17. Well add the image back as custom and see if its there after you apply the code ? Deleting the image will have no effect unless it was a custom image.
  18. Well there are two ways of break it. 1) Always change http to https 2) It can break if you have mixed content (So it loads a image from http://randomweb./img.png) this will break the https on your site because its not loaded over https. So if you find images always load them with https If you have the link to the site i can take a look
  19. If you want to use custom FA icons then the list is here What happends if you try to add in custom.css .ipsItemStatus.ipsItemStatus_read:not( .ipsItemStatus_large ):not( .ipsItemStatus_posted ):not( .ipsItemStatus_) { display: visible; }
  20. When upgrading to IPS 4 from 3.4 I always suggest take the long route. Backup your original forum (Always) Upgrade to 4.0 > 4.1 This is the safest, Can you access the AdminCP panel after the upgrade ?
  21. Try re upload the image again in a smaller size ? so lets say 64x64 see if that works ? Remember to delete that image first
  22. Could i ask if you are trying to load a custom image ? Like this one How did you upload the images etc?
  23. Your welcome, if that worked for you mark it as resolved so a moderator can close the topic Should be able to mark the solution as best answer, so others can see if it they need it too Glad it worked
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