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Cookie Monster

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Everything posted by Cookie Monster

  1. Its not what is easier, its what your settings are in AdminCP already. (AdminCP > System > Advanced Settings). Though if it's set to Mysql i belive it will update the paths itself. But as Davlin just responded if the approach of changing base_url is not working then you need to go for his options as well as change the base_url
  2. Move the folders from /community to / Edit the conf_global.php 'base_url' => 'www.oldurl.com/community' 'base_url' => 'www.newurl.com/' And that should be it
  3. Well that would be i think is the latest release found here
  4. The question(s) in this support topic have been answered and the topic author has resolved their issue. This topic is now closed. If you have other questions, please open a new topic.
  5. The question(s) in this support topic have been answered and the topic author has resolved their issue. This topic is now closed. If you have other questions, please open a new topic.
  6. The question(s) in this support topic have been answered and the topic author has resolved their issue. This topic is now closed. If you have other questions, please open a new topic.
  7. The question(s) in this support topic have been answered and the topic author has resolved their issue. This topic is now closed. If you have other questions, please open a new topic.
  8. But using something basic, then well you can use both because they got a lot of functionality. It also really depends on the chat you want, Davlin already mentioned a few things. You also got CometChat. Though this is more like a Messenger then a chat i would say.
  9. Well are you looking for a forum or chat? Since you said both
  10. So this is SEO and meta data, it will pull the first image. You can set meta data in AdminCP > System > Search Engine Optimization > Meta Data But to fix this since that is facebook and already scraped data. Try this Enter your url and once its loaded there is a button saying re-scrape Please see below where the button is Do not care for the warning but click the button to re-scrape the data and update
  11. I'm sorry to hear if i understood wrong. Did you get it resolved ? Did you find out how to sort the problem ?
  12. You will need to pass it in a different way, the way i read that code your just passing 2 as nothing. To nothing. It needs to check the value if it exisits etc. {$invoice->$cfieldsValues()['field_2']} I be more then happy to try help you @Argyros but i would need to see more of the code or understand what you are trying to achive ? Where is the data coming from, is it fields etc from a page or ?
  13. So by reading that i understood the following... It's NOT the full package ?Well download it againMake sure that you are using the latest version and also for IPS the latest version. You don't know how to fully set it up ? (Did you finish the setup as a application when it was first installed) Regarding that you the group sections. This is taken from the readme.txt and should explain where all things can be setup or accessed to
  14. Any errors, or at least link the file you downloaded. Admincp > system > support. Try select you have a problem see if this solves it. If not I will need some errors or atleast more info to debug and assist.
  15. I would presume you need something like this But you can also if you just want to create a topic go AdminCP > Pages > Databases > Release Notes > Database Settings > Forums (tab) And enable it to post it to a topic.
  16. Yeah i updated the code with the missing text= Thank you Will close this
  17. The question(s) in this support topic have been answered and the topic author has resolved their issue. This topic is now closed. If you have other questions, please open a new topic.
  18. Version 2.0.1


    This plugin will display JOINED DATE in user panel in posts and will allow the admin to choose between three different ways to show this date. Requirement: FORUMS app. Note: Version 2.0.1: IPS 4.1.X Version 2.0.0: IPS 4.0.X
  19. Just to try a safer way of doing it ? AdminCP > Customization > Themes > Your Theme > Edit HTML & CSS > custom.css Add the following code. #elCopyright { display: none; } @Mindless and @polkovnika2 This should hide the whole div that contains the information.
  20. Did you get everything sorted and resolved @deehmoraes
  21. For others that are asking you can use CSS to style the photo. For bigger images you can use .ipsUserPhoto .ipsUserPhoto_large img, img.ipsUserPhoto_large, .ipsUserPhoto_large:after { width: 200px; height: 200px; }
  22. I can find out for you, if you PM me your forum link and a possible temp admin user or just the forum link i can find out why they are not big at all but without a link to the forum I'm unable to assist. Thats the code you used but there has been either Something you didnt add Some of the code added was added wrong place
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