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Everything posted by Prog_Dog

  1. Crosses (Chino from Deftones) - ††† (Crosses) - †elepa†hy alt-j ∆ - alt-J (∆) - Fitzpleasure (Official Music Video) As Tall As Lions (Broken up) - As Tall As Lions - Circles (HQ) (Lyrics) Puscifer (Maynard from Tool) - Puscifer - Horizons (Video With Lyrics) The Shouting Matches (Justin Vernon from Bon Iver) - The Shouting Matches - Gallup, NM
  2. Hi all, I just wanted to extend hello's to everyone. I had been looking for an IPB Skin for a website I am building and just happen to stumble upon this epic community of helpers. I am new to website building, IPB and coding and it appears there is hours of content and knowledge sitting here waiting for me, so thanks you beautiful humans. Keep being awesome.
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