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  1. Hey, I'm fairly new to PHP but I understand enough to read it/make some things, but one thing I'm wondering is when for example I see "index.php?page=logout" which would be a websites' page, obviously, for logging out. I can create that myself but mine is always just "logout.php" instead of the fancy ?page=logout which I like. I understand how $_GET[''] works, but how can I add loads of different pages to "index.php?page=" instead of just a header to the actual file names, I really would like to start using things like ?page because it looks so much tidier. Thanks in advance
  2. ​It seems so simple now actually, I forgot there was that in conf_global. Thanks!
  3. So basically, my intentions were too reopen a forum (IPB) I used a year ago. I had the database so I imported it to the designated empty Database in PHPmyadmin and then used the DB details on the install (I did a fresh forum install with the intentions to use an old Database). After everything installed and I visited the forum I noticed it was as if it was a new site, me being the only member etc so I figured the old DB hadn't worked. I go into PHPmyadmin and notice the new tables are for example 'members'. however the old DB's tables are also in the same Database but are for example 'IPB_members'. Is there anything I can do to rectify this? I have already installed the files and ran the IPB installer on the default page.
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