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  1. Hello there! I am very new to IPS development in general and I have no idea how to extract data using hooks and such, and I would really like to learn but I don't really know where to start... if anybody could show me an example based on my request below, that would really help me, please! Basically, I'd like to extract all clubs that have a specific custom field set (filter), and extract their location to create a map with only these clubs and not all of them. Do you think this is possible to do without plugin and only with code, please? Thank you very much for any help!
  2. For example, I'm editing my custom.css file, but sometimes other files from the theme randomly appear as "Modified" (with the orange icon), and when I click on them (for example let's say... forms.css), forms.css (in this example) contains a PART of the custom.css code, but nothing remaining from it's default form (and I need to use the revert button to get all the code back)...
  3. Hello, it's me again with another one of the weirdest bugs I ever had! So basically, as the title says, I was uploading some pictures in a Club Gallery, and also some in the general Gallery app, everything went good at first. Then after several minutes I noticed one picture in the Club Gallery got broken, only one, the one that was used as the album presentation image. I tried to re-upload it, it went okay, but after some time, broken again... I decided to check on my VPS what's going on, and noticed that the files for this image are either text documents or files with locked permissions, with "daemon" as their owner. I tried changing the chmod of the folders but nothing works... It's really weird :( I would really appreciate some help, please... Thank you!
  4. Hello, So, since a few versions already, I've been having very weird problems with my themes. Basically, when I do my edits, I add everything to my custom.css file, I don't touch any other css file. What happens now is that now and then, in the CSS templates list, there are other templates that mark themselves as "modified", and when clicking on them, it displays some content from the custom.css file... It doesn't destroy the style of the website unless I save the changes, but it also forces me to use the revert button to restore the default content. Any idea what could be causing this weird issue? And possibly how to fix it, please? Thank you!
    Very nice theme, even tho I would really really appreciated if anyone had it updated for IPS 4.4, I cannot find it anywhere ?
  5. Fixed by turning ON "Trust IP addresses provided by proxies?"
  6. Hey! So basically, I just did a fresh install of IPS 4.4.2 (archive from WebFlake) on my VPS, SSL-secured (no CloudFlare), but as soon as I try to login into the Admin CP, I get this error: Your IP address does not match this session EDIT: Also, in the "online members" page, my IP address is not the same at all as my PC's address, it's weird, and it keeps changing constantly. Anybody knows a fix for it, please :/? I'm not having problems with other CMS. Thank you!
  7. Xhatz


    Yeah it is xD But I guess it is to keep the website active at the same time, as some sort of contribution from the non-sharers...
    I'm having tons of problems with the 4.3.6 on a clean install, and I don't know if it's coming from me or not: First install, everything works fine until I set Pages as the default application after creating a page normally, the website becomes completely broken and network console indicates that it tries to reach some css files unsuccessfully. Second install (fresh), it works until I reach the pages page: when creating one, the templates are gone. When set to default application, the index displays an error of the same type of first try: "ErrorException: template_store_missing template_cms_bb70a80dbe417943ff25eefac7959b94__ (0)" I have no clue of what's happening, if it's on my side or not, but it's frustrating xD
  8. Malwarebytes is usually my main choice! But I tend to limit myself to Defender only
  9. Xhatz

    IOS or Android?

    Android, in my opinion, has much better interfaces and is usually more good in term of apps.
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