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  1. Mind posting how you resolved the issue for other users as well as linking what addon you are referencing. PS: Nice profile picture, did you make it yourself?
  2. I will try this out, thanks for sharing.
  3. I don't have it on my website right now but I have had it before and it works great!
  4. Welcome! You came to the right place if you are looking for everything IP. Board.
  5. I like the font but it's not for my forum, nice!
  6. I like the setup but I think you need to add more color.
  7. This is going to save me tons of time of goggling for icons, thanks!
  8. I'm also new here and I have found many useful things, I think you will enjoy it here. Welcome!
  9. Bahme1940

    MyBB or IPB?

    I would hands down say IPB, there is just so much content already out there for it and so much you can do with it. I tried to used mybb but I just couldn't get into it (a big reason was I couldn't find a theme that I loved).
  10. I can see why you would want it, it looks really nice.
  11. I had a friend scan my IPB site a while back with a professional vulnerability scanner and he said that for the most part everything checked out.
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