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    Thx for app, which is one of the best & with most possibilities in ips market place
    Thanks for this in IPS4 works good with current IPS release
    Cometchat 6.0 works perfect with IPS Thank you VERY much for sharing this with us @laracroftonline
    Very good style ! works also fine at 4.1.7 +
    VERY VERY good stlyle ! is also working at ips 4.1.7 +
    really nice skin ;) my favorite is Dispersion yukihime - the problem here is that most of ehrens skins are broken since changes of ips 4.1.7 - they only 2 skin which i get working at moment is uniform & chamelon
  1. Pls close - it is an ips bug why it is not working
  2. Hi, i do not get the vimeo videos working - i have tried to do it similar as youtube - but the system shows me always "Problem generating embed code." How must the media url look like? As well is it necessary to add something here in ACP - media sites? Thanks & kind regards
  3. thanks for your useless answer - better you leave something like this
  4. anbody an idea where i can find the copyright line to disable ?
  5. Hi, i hope somebody can help Where & how can i remove the cometchat copyright in chat options "Powered By CometChat" Thank you in advance ;)
  6. Hello, I do not know where to post here in which Forum. I hope somebody can help - i have installed the Software without any issue. But when i will try to log in i get this error: atmail requires your /tmp Directory to be writeable for the http user. Please ensure /tmp has correct premissions and sticky bit applied Can somebody help to fix this ? I have tried with diffferent mode of Folders to 755 or 777 - always same message Thx in advance.
  7. Good to be back again - my member account was deleted, I do not why - yes i was some months not here ... But it does not matter :-) Have all fun here it is a good site and not always offline :-)
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