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  1. I would have to say this guy here: https://play.spotify.com/album/4fgASekAAopPWyGI3qz5ey He takes rap music and makes it pop music with his little violin. He adds his little twist to the rap beat Its cool, check it out
  2. Always good to see a plugin department role into webflake. Hit me up if you need any kind of pictures for your website construction.
  3. My name is Cr4ckinaB0x, I'm the Owner of a site that get's like 2 hit's a day. My website is >>removed<< if anyone cares to see. I personally dabble and have knowledge in exploiting, and coding knowledge. I've done a few web developing projects for Vbulletin, and MyBB. So if anyone here is having trouble with there theme you can shoot me a message and I can try to help you out. Other then that, I'm Cr4ckinaB0x. P.S Have you ever Cr4ck3d Y0ur B0x??!?!??!!?? Kindest Regards, Cr4ckinaB0x
  4. This is a great statement. But, you have to remember the file may be safe in some aspect of judgement. But, based on the softwares coding, some injections to read the scanned software will read as a vuln/virus whatever found. Also, not to mention all data can be encrypted to be deployed on an actual website. Most Hackers call this "FUD" fully undetectable for written binary applications. But, most of what you said was correct as well. There really isn't any false positives either. It's just hope you get lucky to not get "Fucked".
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