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  1. WDX

    (GS) Server List

    Hi everyone, sadly the coder doesnt sell this item anymore. Does anyone have the latest Version (compatible with 4.5 ? ) and would share this? https://invisioncommunity.com/files/file/7456-gs-server-list/ Greets
  2. Guten Tag from Germany *Eats a pretzel*
  3. WBB its from a German Company. There are only one Site i know is boardscriptz | Just google it. I actually recommend you on ipb or xenforo etc.
  4. WDX


    100 % Rainbow Six Siege. Playing a lot more tactical and especially you can play vertically. By opening floors or walls for a better angle. It's awesome.
  5. WDX

    Fortnite or PUBG?

    PUBG! Fortnite is too colorful for me
  6. I have testet NodeBB but it has no many Plugins and Themes. But is looks amazing modern. i prefere mybb it hat lot of Plugins and THemes. And an active community.
  7. Thank you for your amazing work. Keep it up!
  8. Oh i love Gyros with Metaxa Souce and baked with Cheese
  9. You can not make apples with pears. Woltlab has IPBoard as its model. If you want to see it this way. But many features are missing which were only submitted by the community. Unfortunately, there is always less inovation and no one really dares to big projects. I had a website with the WBB / WSC for almost 5 years.
  10. Yes. I pay for Kaspersky. I dont trust these "Trail Reset" Tools and other Patchers. I think buying security software is worth it.
  11. I Use some Browsers, Chrome and Opera for normal Surfing, for Underground Firefox
  12. WDX


    Hi Guys. Super I found you. If I like then I'll donate something! Top it up!
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