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Everything posted by buddyxl

  1. Welcome to the community! I'm not new but I am also returning due to a recent forum project I've taken on. Any reason you are making the switch to Xenforo? Regardless, enjoy your stay!
  2. I use both Windows and Mac daily, and I prefer Mac in general. While Windows is convenient to use, Mac just has everything working right. I run into the weirdest issues while using Windows, meanwhile Mac gives me none.
  3. I figured it out a few minutes after I made this thread, hopefully this will help anyone else looking for it: The forums/descriptions are in core_sys_lang_words. You will have to do some digging but you can narrow it down through the search feature. Good luck.
  4. I cannot figure out where to find my categories/forums/descriptions through the database. The most I can see is the category/forum SEO name (General Discussions as general-discussion, etc.) along with the last post, but nothing more. I have never had an issue like this with databases, seems like IPS 4 is horrible when it comes to data and configuration. Any help is appreciated. Note: I cannot set it up on a test board due to the way I customized the forum system.
  5. Figured it out: Edit HTML & CSS for your themeSearch 'hovercard' in templatesGo to core -> front -> globalEdit userLinkFind & remove the following code: data-ipsHover data-ipsHover-target='{$member->url()->setQueryString( array( 'do' => 'hovercard', 'wr' => $warningRef ) )}'Save the fileEdit userLinkFromDataFind & remove the following code: data-ipsHover data-ipsHover-target='{url="app=core&module=members&controller=profile&id={$id}&do=hovercard" seoTemplate="profile" seoTitle="$seoName"}'Save the fileDone!
  6. How can I disable hovercards? I don't want them on my site and would like to get rid of them completely. It would save some resources as well hopefully.
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